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  1. Ladyjeeper


    Landshark, I had no idea you couldn't drive on the beach there. My apologies. When did that change?
  2. Ladyjeeper


    There might be a few due to Mem. day but it will be a far cry from town crowds. There are also a lot of shells....I also like it cause you can drive right to where you want to set up and not have to lug all your stuff up and down. It's kind of steep. Ya gotta have 4WD, tho.....
  3. Ladyjeeper


    We go to Playa Encanto. It's about 9 miles east of town on the road to Caborca. It's well marked. It's beautiful and hardly anyone there.
  4. Ladyjeeper

    Boy Scout apps

    Oh Thank you!!!!! My friends have started boy scout troops in Rocky Point. They are only going to be there until June 2. They took over 200 down and signed up till they ran out! Isn't that wonderful? I haven't used the PM feature on here since it changed. I'll try and give you all the...
  5. Ladyjeeper

    Boy Scout apps

    Hi all, I need some boy scout apps delivered to someone in Rocky Point asap. I will have them Monday. I was planning on going myself but my Jeep blew up last week. Wah. I can get them to you here in Phoenix. Please someone, help. Thank you all. I know we can get it done!
  6. Ladyjeeper

    Can I get in and out without a Passport??

    What is the problem here? Just get your passport! SMH!
  7. Ladyjeeper

    Little girl that crossed at Sasabe reflects back

    You know, JJ, if I had been scolded by several people and the management, I would just shut up. What's the matter with you? Take a hint.
  8. Ladyjeeper

    Chino's Tacos

    What is the matter with you? Chino has been here for years. You should be ashamed of yourself!
  9. Ladyjeeper

    Little girl that crossed at Sasabe reflects back

    JJ, this site is operated by Americans but this American thinks you are a racist. Who do you think you are? What the hell does Costa Rican type of freedom of speech even mean? Why are you even here on this forum? SMH.
  10. Ladyjeeper

    Dog question

    My friend is dogsitting her friend's dog and wants to know if she can bring her to PP. She has all her papers and a written letter of permission.
  11. Ladyjeeper

    Dental costs in Mexico

    Dr. Socorro.
  12. Ladyjeeper

    Penasco Sky Diving video on TV

    Goof, I thought it was me! LOL!
  13. Ladyjeeper

    Penasco Sky Diving video on TV

    I was denied access to this page. What makes me so special? LOL!
  14. Ladyjeeper

    Happy Birthday to Ladyjeeper - Chari

    Thank you all!
  15. Ladyjeeper


    Yeah, he'll like my filthy Jeep, won't he, Rob?
  16. Ladyjeeper


    Wow! His Jeep is taller than mine!
  17. Ladyjeeper


    PM sent
  18. Ladyjeeper


    Tuesday the 2nd is perfect at the 24th and McDowell location. That is only 2 miles from me. I am free all day. I will try to PM you. I hardly ever use that function either.....LOL!
  19. Ladyjeeper


    I have a friend that could get every scrap of clothing a good home in Rocky Point. I will pick them up at your convenience and store them at my home until I can get them all hauled down. PM me with when and where. Thank you sooooo much!!!!!
  20. Ladyjeeper


    I could take a bag or 2. Probably will be going down in Feb. If you don't live too far off the 10 I could pick them up. I live in downtown Phx.