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  1. Ladyjeeper

    Crucero liquor store

    What happened to Circle K? They changed to VIP?
  2. Ladyjeeper


    I been here for a week, awake at different times due to the dreaded insomnia. They used to blow whistles all the way from Las Conchas to the Crucero. I haven't heard a thing........Just way off in the distance. Did they put a moratorium on blowing them in town? I don't hear the rumbling...
  3. Ladyjeeper


    I haven't been here for 10 months. Russ I'm sure you will know the answer to this question, also. You know I live in the Mirador. I used to hear trains day and night going thru town but have only heard them from a distance this week. Did they build a bypass around town or something?
  4. Ladyjeeper

    Crucero liquor store

    BJ and the train tracks
  5. Ladyjeeper

    Crucero liquor store

    It was fine before......I hate change!
  6. Ladyjeeper

    Crucero liquor store

    What happened? It is knocked down. I always sent people there to buy their beer and bottles. SMH.
  7. Ladyjeeper


    What do you mean? He opened a restaurant here in the states?
  8. Ladyjeeper


    Does anybody know why Ramons has been closed?
  9. Ladyjeeper

    Loco Pelicanos

    All I know is that I got pooped on by a Pelican once. Ruined my date. None of you know how big a pelican poop is.... That is all.
  10. Ladyjeeper


    Sometimes I take a stick of butter and just eat them in the yard. LOL!
  11. Ladyjeeper


    No, it's Carmelita It's between the railroad tracks and the water place on Sinaloa
  12. Ladyjeeper

    Continuing severe sewage problem in Miridor and else where.

    Only when I'm there.......She's my DD.
  13. Ladyjeeper

    Continuing severe sewage problem in Miridor and else where.

    Agreed. I had a dog with Valley Fever 25 years ago. The cure, Sporanox at that time, was one tenth the price in Mexico. I felt sorry for the people who couldn't or didn't know of the difference in price. I made a flying turnaround to Sonoyta and bought the whole 6 mo. treatment at once for...
  14. Ladyjeeper

    Notes around town

    Oh, the good old days, GV. The Black Widow, purses with bricks, wearing high heels......Yup, memories....
  15. Ladyjeeper

    A First For Me - Food Poisoning!

    I got food poisoning at Friendly Dolphin. Don't ever, ever, ever, ever eat ceviche when you don't personally know the cook! I got home before I got sick and just laid on the bathroom floor for 3 days because it wasn't worth going back to bed for 5 minutes. I don't EVER want to be that sick again!
  16. Ladyjeeper

    Honor Memorial Day

    I stand corrected. Altho in all my years of thanking Veterans, no one ever told me that. In the spirit of correction, the correct conjugation of the verb entender for do you understand, is entiendes. Entiendo means I understand. Entiendes? I guess we both learned something today.
  17. Ladyjeeper

    Bad accident this morning

    I'm grateful you weren't killed! I have had experience with crazy speeding passers. At least they are around me before I can see 'em coming since my top speed is 70 in my big ol Jeep and that's pushing it! LOL!
  18. Ladyjeeper

    Honor Memorial Day

    I want to thank all the veterans on this forum for their service to our country. I will never forget.
  19. Ladyjeeper

    Lost Dog, last seen at The Reef

    I posted it on my FB as well
  20. Ladyjeeper

    Boy Scout apps

    Thank you Landshark but I did very little. I wasn't able to go and help sign up since my Jeep blew up. All I did was get some needed apps and other paperwork and beg for a courier to take them down. Thank you for stepping up and going out of your way to deliver them. I hope I can go in early...