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  1. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

  2. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    I have started looking into getting g ACE insurance from sources outside of Peñasco. I currently have my Mexican car insurance through Costco rather from in town for four years now.
  3. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    I want to clarify one thing. In my email conversation above with Rosie I did not ask for a refund she offered it and resconces it in less than three minutes. I wanted recognization and acknowledgement of the problem in her office extending further than current policies
  4. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    Here is the email conversation I had with Rosie this afternoon I have her ok to post it. Start reading the post from 3:38 pm and work up to the 6:16 post. Just to clarify I did not get a free policy for 21014/2015. I paid my policy in July and this was my money that paid for the ACE...
  5. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    Rosie. I called your cell and left a message on Tuesday AM and the office also on Tuesday AM and spoke with Paty about the 2013/2014 non payment issues You have not called me back or emailed me on this issue. When we spoke on Monday it was the 2014/2015 policy issue.
  6. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    Dryheat I did call the insurance company and this is how I found out that 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 policies where not valid. Again I got a new policy for this current year however, I am probably out the money I paid in 2013 for that policy. I am wasiting for Rosie to get back to me on this new...
  7. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    Update: I called Rosie on her cell phone and the ProAlliance office on Tuesday am to report my insurance policy from 2013/2014 was canceled due to never having received the funds from ProAlliance. I left a message on her phone and talked to Paty at the office and left a message. As I said in...
  8. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    Follow up: I called ProAlliance and Rosie Tuesday early AM and asking for a call back. This was concerning the 2013/2014 policy that was canceled for lack of payment. I am not asking for answers I am asking for return calls that assure me this is being looked into. $580 dollars for this...
  9. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    So I finally spoke with Rosie and got a new policy issued for 2014 2015 My curiosity however peaked and I called to check on the insurance policy I had for 2013 2014 to my surprise I was informed that it was canceled for lack of payment I have placed a call with pro alliance because I find...
  10. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    07/24/14 $581
  11. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    So I called the insurance company and was told there was no record of the home insurance policy number I gave them in their system. I then called ProAlliance on Thursday morning and left a message asking Rosie to call me. I have not received a call back from Rosie. I am currently in Washington...
  12. fatboyharley

    ProAlliance Insurance

    PLease let us know after you call. I just looked at my paperwork which was renewed in July nothing looked different.
  13. fatboyharley

    Michigan Market

    Sams sell liquid creamer
  14. fatboyharley

    Border Wait

    Got to the border yesterday at 11:30 and had a one hour 20 minute wait to cross and yes we also got a comment card. Guess I won't complain about our wait now.
  15. fatboyharley

    Paint advice

    has anyone used the paint Is it as good as in the states?
  16. fatboyharley

    Source for EPS foam beads

    brought mine from Phoenix
  17. fatboyharley

    Air conditioners

    Have ordered a new one from Hermasillo Thanks everyone for your input
  18. fatboyharley

    Block Fence Needed

    Have used Jesus Barba for various projects including block walls speaks English 638 105 9689
  19. fatboyharley

    Air conditioners

    It died blower motor shorted out, capacitor changed and shorted twice, compressor died have to break bolts to replace motor so just getting a new one It is almost 14 years old
  20. fatboyharley

    Air conditioners

    Looked into that. Because of room configuration would need four and additional cost for electrical. Would turn out to be about the same