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  1. fatboyharley

    Saying hello, and asking my gringolandia questions now that I am moving to Rocky Point

    Julie I have been reading you questions and now have to come in with an opinion. I rented for more than 10 years various houses, etc before I bought and even then I discovered how green gingo I was. May I suggest you rent in town first before you buy. There are many surprises to buying real...
  2. fatboyharley

    Mexico Home Insurance

    Thanks Had a bad experience with Pro in 2013 and 2014 and will not consider them.
  3. fatboyharley

    Mexico Home Insurance

    Recommendations for agents. Not ProAlliance or Portugal please. Had written my policy last year with Karen Padilla but unable to contact her so I am assuming that she is no longer in town.
  4. fatboyharley

    Just need to vent No response necessary from others

    So he has finally made contact with me and the new promise is the money will be repaid in three weeks. I doubt it but I will give him the benefit of this
  5. fatboyharley

    Just need to vent No response necessary from others

    So since I have hit various social media venues I have come to find that Ramon Ramos has been a con and thief for many years to both Mexicans and Americans . He continues this behavior with no remorse
  6. fatboyharley

    Critical water shortage in Penasco

    Roberto do you have nothing better to do. Laundry with condensation from A/C how lucky you are. Many people in RP would love to have A/C and that extra water.
  7. fatboyharley

    Cost of Living

    My house approximately same size as mexicoruss was $46 this year
  8. fatboyharley

    Just need to vent No response necessary from others

    It is very sad as I was raised with no bias or prejudice for color, religion or race. I know people get scammed all the time but I always thought it was by those you did not consider a friend. A hard lesson to learn.
  9. fatboyharley

    Just need to vent No response necessary from others

    I just need to vent. I have or had been a friend of Ramon Ramos for over 18 years. I spent many holidays and significant life events with him and his family. I really thought I knew him. Before I go further with this rant, I want it known that I believe in not lending money as it never turns...
  10. fatboyharley


    Sonoyta police started the second line around 11 am. At 11 am the wait was 45 minutes. I never let anyone cut in that takes the short cut. The police use to stand there can catch those who did and make them go to the back of the line. They vary when they do that so be very careful next time...
  11. fatboyharley

    Gas Prices in Mexico

    Just filled up in Phoenix yesterday at a Shell for $1.96
  12. fatboyharley

    Border wait Labor day

    Funny I was sthere at 11:30 yesterday and it was a three hour wait for me. Just doesn't match what the graph has listed
  13. fatboyharley

    Insurance Tips!

    Interesting Wish I had that information several years ago
  14. fatboyharley

    Qualitas Auto Insurance Company

    I have Qualitas through Costco which expires in November. I will be sure to call you then since Costco will not be providing the insurance.
  15. fatboyharley

    1st Estuary Video

    nicely done Thanks for sharing
  16. fatboyharley

    New Electric Rates

    I noticed that same thing on my last bill
  17. fatboyharley

    Memorial Weekend 2015

    Fifty minute wait at 9:30 Monday morning. Good thing was customs had line organized and moving.
  18. fatboyharley

    Busted by SARGAPA

    potting soil in RP is not worth much Alot of mulch and very little dirt Got some from a nursery there Have never seen it anywhere like Sams Bummer for you Guess I did not know it was contraband stuff.