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  1. J

    Electrical and A/C work

    Owners can work on their own property.
  2. J

    Electrical and A/C work

    I don't believe this rule has been relaxed. A Mexican national with paid social security papers or a foreigner with the proper work visa, permits, papers etc can legally work on your property. I know of two top notch American marine mechanics in San Carlos who had their fully equipped servce...
  3. J

    Mexican Cell Phone Registration?

    I use ATT cel in the US and in Mexico and when I called ATT customer sevice, I was told that if we are using roaming in Mexico, with a Mexican tower, we are already registered. This was after the rep checked with someone else and so I can't say that I am totally confident that they really know...
  4. J

    Motorcycles at the border

    They did and scores of bikes went straight to the head of the line, as everyone else waited for hours. They used the commercial lanes of to the right.
  5. J

    Great news! Not directly related to RP, but want to share with my friends here

    As well you should be. Relish the moment.
  6. J

    Rosie gets the story, all of it!

    It seems like an option worth looking into after resolving the following concerns: 1. As arbitrary as the various Mexican authorities can be, I wonder if anyone can verify that a flare gun would not be considered an illegal hand gun in Mexico, which might come with the threat of a long prison...
  7. J

    Las palomas owners story

    Chris, thanks for contributing to the forum; I have to agree with Dryheat on this one. I wish you the very best in finalizing this situation with an equitable resolution for all involved, but so far I have never seen it accomplished in various resorts in Mexico, over the years. If you can manage...
  8. J

    Las palomas owners story

    Pretty much so, but I would reemphasize that a Mexican Notario is much much more than a US notary.
  9. J

    New Forum Issues

    I still use the same old shortcut icon on my desktop and seem to be lucky enough to have no problem so far. Note to Tyler: We appreciate your work on the site. Thanks.
  10. J

    Sad xmas songs

    I remember you touching on those days on the old forum and enjoyed it then. Don't let us dwell on sadness, however. Next year will be a better year all the way around and it just depends on us. Enjoy the holidays and prepare for a great new year everyone.:cheers:
  11. J

    Trailer Parks

    I agree, and sadly feel that it will take some time to ever return to any resemblance of past normality.:sad::?:
  12. J

    Cozying Up at the Border

    Along with these laws, there are the RICO anti rackeeering laws, with the presumption of guilt if a person is carrying large sums of money when pulled over. Louisiana was famous for confiscating money from returning Mexican migrants and blacks to fund their 'office' expenses.
  13. J

    Ok!!I'll show you a link very few know

    No connection for either camera at the moment.
  14. J

    Ok!!I'll show you a link very few know

    I was prompted to download Plustex when I logged on, after which I was then able to see the Sonoyta view as well as the Nogales one.
  15. J

    I wonder who

    It means lowering a company's asset inventory buy selling them off to the highest bidder, in order to lower the company's debt exposure on that inventory. It is often done to avoid foreclosure.
  16. J

    reelhard report

    Well done guys!!:boat: :-? :fish: :cheers:
  17. J

    Bird Island

    Great job! Ditto to all of the other comments.:boat::notworthy::cheers::grin:
  18. J

    Help!! Need Oxygen

    Phoenix craigslist has several bargain ads for oxygen bottles today.
  19. J

    It is time now!!

    I believe it's called, being in a state of co-dependency with the addict you love so much. I can't begin to say that I know how it feels since we have not been unfortunate enough to be in that position. I do try to empathize with you however, but also feel that you should make the most out of...
  20. J

    "Glow in the Dark" Waves!

    They are in deep water off of Loreto and Mulege. They eat each other.:shock: