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    Grunion Run in Penasco

    Grunion? In Penasco? Does anyone have pictures?
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    Come on down............

    Hi there Jimmy, There have, as yet, been no cases confirmed of swine flu. Everyone is looking pretty healthy here. The two people in Sonora who have come down with flu seem to have contracted it in Arizona. I would think that coming to RP is safer than most marriages, but if you're brave enough...
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    Sting Ray protection?

    where and how to buy?
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    Rockypointnewsonline is all bad news

    I appreciate the vote of support for our newspaper. Thank you for taking the time to opine. Rosie
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    Of course this means that I'll be fielding calls and emails about why I didn't mention it more prominently. Geez...
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    A question about rocky Point Times Newspaper

    Hi there, I'm not sure what this means, but yes, the RP Times is still in business. The new issue comes out each month between the fifth and the tenth or so. I usually have some in my office (blatant ploy).
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    Question about private mexican health insurance

    Hi Mark, I'm Rosie Glover. I own ProAlliance Insurance...a full-service Mexican insurance company. If you like you can call my vonage line at 602-773-1031 or email me at [email protected] The cost will depend on age, weight range, health, smoker/non-smoker, the usual stuff. Hope to hear...
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    Rockypointnewsonline is all bad news

    Every single week we write about the social events, about people and places, and about literature, history, and culture. The headline folders on my desktop are as follows: -economy -politics -crime & traffic -tourism -community activities We do include local, regional, and national news if I, as...
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    Rockypointnewsonline is all bad news

    Well I'm sorry you're disappointed, Feo. The last couple of issues, and all the ones before that have been about what is happening in Rocky Point. And it disappoints me too. Nevertheless, I have an obligation to write about what happens. We're not ignoring good news. We print as much of it as we...
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    My Brother Bob

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, your family, and your brother Bob, as well as with Inka and his father. May your loved ones heal and be home with you soon, and may God be with you and bless you.
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    Thanks Jerry. The mucky muck has been involved in similar government posts for over ten years on a national level and was only fired in early summer from his post as economic development minister, so this is new stuff. The guy in the post prior to him was also found to have taken tons of money...
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    Ah, now you're talking Mel's language. Thank you, Tyler...I'll let her know.