Watch out now Rob....your wife is watching!!!:rofl:
Why not just take her along?....have a nice sunset dinner...stay the night, leave very early ...and be back in time for work the next morning....
Thanks for the video in hell is this a result of SB1070???....that part of it has an injunction against implementation....
BTW...from the Youtube site....
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Wow...we now have a network of people who just happen to be available to run to a location based on text messaging to record the "racial profiling" done by the TPD.....only in the movies!!!
They would do more for their community if they reported the locations of drug houses, maybe even filming...
I always wondered about the insurance that the mexican drivers have when they visit the US LEGALLY. From what I know, and this could be wrong, Mexicans are required to carry auto insurance in Mexico. Foreign visitors are also required to carry at least liability insurance written on a mexican...
"Tucson Police stopped a woman for failing to stop at a stop sign, and ended up calling Border Patrol, and it is all caught on tape."
"Cruz was acting as a translator for the woman being questioned. She said officers asked the woman to show a license, but TPD said all she could provide was a...
Off Topic.....but I always wondered about the insurance that the mexican drivers have when they visit the US LEGALLY. From what I know, and this could be wrong, Mexicans are required to carry auto insurance in Mexico. Foreign visitors are also required to carry at least liability insurance...
And if you're having trouble with the snap, I'd be glad to help you, ma'am!!!!:rofl:
I agree that it is a VERY serious topic....but most of these discussions go the route of hysteria about something that MAY happen.....
if a cop is shown to have broken the law (racial profiling), then...
Yeah between the cops hitting the donut shop or taking naps under a tree or overpass, or molesting some woman they stopped for a dui to "work off" her crime, they have the time to go "looking" for some "brown one" to harass!!! PUHLEEEEZE!!!!:stir:
Playa....why was she pulled over to begin with? I'm sure there are plenty of nicely dressed Mexican girls (that are legal) driving around Tucson....oh stop....that's right, there are no nicely dressed mexican-american girls in Tucson!!!:hairout:
All this hub bub about about the ability of the Border Patrol to search you without a warrant within a specific distance of the border....I don't recall if it is 100 or 200 miles....this was discussed on here some time ago......why isn't someone making a stink about that...
Wlhat part of the law don't people get???? The police aren't going to be stopping someone just based on their appearance and checking for is only if they get stopped for some other violation. PLUS....that part of the law has an injunction against it until it get's resolved thru the...
mis2810....I never said that it is not an emotional issue, like religion or politics, and most people discuss it more with their emotions rather than logically.
We've all been guilty of rationalization on some topic....."it's wrong, but it's ok to do it because xxxxxxxx....."
And I need to...
In psychology and logic, rationalization (or making excuses[1]) is the process of constructing a logical justification for a belief, decision, action that was originally arrived at through a different mental process. It is a defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviors or...
Because it is the law......that should be enough! You're rationalizing.....
The tax cheaters are playing russian roulette.....they may get audited.....having gone thru and IRS audit once, even though I "won" on every issue, I would not want to do so again.....that is enough incentive for me...