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  1. rockyptjoe

    Appeal for Books

    Roberto...why don't you check with Jose at the BooBar. He had posted some stuff on Facebook looking for books for the library...and he indicated English or Spanish when we asked about it.... I've got a whole bookcase of paperbacks/hardcovers and even an encyclopedia I need to get rid...
  2. rockyptjoe

    How Is It That...?

    The only time they stopped me at the checkpoint (Sonoita....leaving town) the police told me to fasten the seat belt....I don't recall why I didn't have it on that particular instance....there was no fine.
  3. rockyptjoe

    Appeal for Books

    Jose at the BooBar is also collecting books for the Penasco library.....English or Spanish.....
  4. rockyptjoe

    Coastal Highway question

    Kenny (and Ink)...I read a previous post in the thread that mentioned Puerto Libertad....and put 2 + 2 together....unfortunately, it was different "2's" bad....:fail: The time I took the new road to El Golfo was about a year ago.....
  5. rockyptjoe

    Coastal Highway question

    Eduardo...about how far past the Mayan Palace bypass road? Is it past the road to Playa Encanto?
  6. rockyptjoe

    Interesting Article from American Chronicle

    Shorty's the guy who sits outside the door at Dunas, and "watches" your vehicle......
  7. rockyptjoe

    AC Condensation Issues

    Ditto on that......with the higher humidy, you get a lot more has to go's collected in the pan, then drained thru a a leaking pan, plugged runoff goes inside. On an RV, you also have to worry about the neoprene seal between the roof of...
  8. rockyptjoe

    Facelift for Calle 13

    Hopefully NOT Azbeachboy's "friend".....:rofl:
  9. rockyptjoe

    Anyone headed down?

    Cosmos 2000....just past the Cirkle K.....I think Seadweller recommended that place a while back, in terms of prices.....
  10. rockyptjoe

    Anyone headed down?

    You will probably have to get a prescription to get pain killers.....I tried a few years back after I had a jetski accidnet, with no success without one. The Sante Fe clinic should be able to help you out with that ($$). My experience back then was that most of the pharmacies also don't carry...
  11. rockyptjoe

    Facelift for Calle 13

    That whole area behind the naval base is vacant....that's where that old paved road is/was....maybe that's slated for some development?????
  12. rockyptjoe

    Facelift for Calle 13

    We have another comedian on here......:rofl: About the only way I could see this working is for them to open the street past the condos into what is now being used as a parking lot. There is a paved roadway back there ( not used for a long time) from before the Plazas Glorias hotel was built...
  13. rockyptjoe

    Facelift for Calle 13

    Eduardo...that is weird....what street will they use for the other direction (return or exit)????....particularly with the hotel/condos at the end of the street.
  14. rockyptjoe

    Dubious Distinction......

    at 4:30 in the morning :har::har::har:
  15. rockyptjoe

    Back to School...

    Julie....I tried going "cold turkey"....and couldn't take the I've been cutting back gradually!!! So all you blondes (or ex blondes)....let me have it.....Ahhhhh I love it!!! :moon::moon:
  16. rockyptjoe

    Back to School...

    Mark....when do they start school in Penasco? I won't be able to get down until early next month......
  17. rockyptjoe

    Back to School...

    You were probably BOTH blondes in another life.....:rofl:
  18. rockyptjoe

    Back to School... she going to slap you now!!:moon::ham:
  19. rockyptjoe

    Back to School...

    That's 3 beers or $7.50 for two cases!!!
  20. rockyptjoe

    Boating Emergency Assistance out of Puerto Penasco

    I didn't think you actually use a linear amplifier on FM systems, which the marine radios are.... I know you can on AM (CB/SSB) radios. Any radio experts out there? Looked on the web and found some that appear may work...but at the price, you might as well pick up a satellite phone!!!