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  1. P

    Great news! Not directly related to RP, but want to share with my friends here

    No sitting on sand in Mexico for him. Still under orders not to come to Mexico's border region. I'll have to go there to see him.
  2. P

    Motorcycles at the border

    Well this is the first ever Fun Run for those who don't want to wait until the Rally in November. More info to come, but this is going to be a great time for all...hope you and your biker friends will put it on your calendars!
  3. P

    We could use some help again...

    Ed, you should know better than to offer a hand to a guy who identifies with a shark picture...of course he'll take the arm too. Do you think Lannelle would maybe help with the delivery from Phx? Do you want to call her, or prefer if I do? It was great to see you the other day. Stop by any...
  4. P

    Great news! Not directly related to RP, but want to share with my friends here

    Aw Kenny, it was just a little aside to you in respect of your political views. Nothin' personal...I was just feeling giddy and meant to convey that regardless one's views (my own included) everything pales in comparison to the joy felt when the kiddos return safe and sound. I have a dear friend...
  5. P

    Motorcycles at the border

    Hey, AZBB...are you planning to come down for the Rocky Point Fun Run in May?
  6. P

    Great news! Not directly related to RP, but want to share with my friends here

    My 25yr old son just last night returned safely from his third tour in Iraq. Whew... I just spoke with him and he seems in good spirits and glad to be back home in the States. Says he's got all his parts and they're all working. No details forthcoming, but know that you guys will be glad for me...
  7. P

    Motorcycles at the border

    We're working on the 1st Annual Rocky Point Fun Run for May. Lots of H-Ds will be down here then, as they are evey November for the Annual Rocky Point Rally. They make the trek across the border (with proper insurance, of course) without incident or overheating. This weekend promises to be a...
  8. P

    The reef

    The Reef Restaurant is closed. The RV park and the nightclub are open.
  9. P

    Easter weekend

    I usually love busy times in RP, but gotta admit that Semana Santa makes me want to stay indoors. Just way too many people. Even our small gated community feels under siege.
  10. P

    Spring Break Turnout???

    Hey all, I have had very little time this week and haven't gone over to check out the photos. I'm stealing a minute just to see what's happening here in the forum. But let me add that I've been running around Penasco, stopping by the hangouts late at night sometimes if needed, been to the RV...
  11. P

    Spring Break Turnout???

    Sat with Manny for awhile last night watching the crowd in his place. Not like the old days, of course, but still a good turnout. Real good compared to some others. The event at the beach didn't do well, but Manny's, Baja and Ice House seemed packed.
  12. P

    27 pairs of shoes????

    Yes, you can, and we have time yet to get this done for you. Please send me an email to [email protected] detail what you're bringing, when that will be and for whom the donation is intended. I will get the letter for you and see to it that a copy is faxed to the border agents as well...
  13. P

    Don't wait to get insurance at the border...

    Aw, Kenny...nothing to fear. On Saturday I stopped at Capone's and ran into the fishing group. I know they're in here but on was on my way out and they were just getting in, so I don't know who's who. Well, except for Mike the Winner of Biggest Catch. Got a picture I'll be posting soon. Would've...
  14. P

    Spring Break Turnout???

    But be forewarned...if I'm tied up when you call it could take me an hour to get there, so give me a little lead time, okay?
  15. P

    Spring Break Turnout???

    I need to see you too, Eduardo. Let's meet up today if at all possible. Don't just swing by the office, though, because I'm out running around. You can stop by virtually any bar/restaurant and they'll do you the favor of calling me for you if your cell doesn't work here. Please do! This can be...
  16. P

    27 pairs of shoes????

    While chances are you won't be stopped, or that they will let you through after an explanation, you still run the risk of the opposite happening and either being charged a fee or losing the shoes. If there is time, the donation letter is your surest way to avoid hassle. But yes, take them out of...
  17. P

    27 pairs of shoes????

    When are you coming down with them? Maybe we have time to get a letter for you so we can make sure you don't get hassled? Let me know. Not a big deal, and it won't cost you anything. I just have to get a couple of signatures..
  18. P

    Don't wait to get insurance at the border...

    Make no mistake...even if you only travel three feet into Mexico you are required by Mexican law to have liability coverage issued by a Mexican company. When your U.S. company says they'll cover you within a certain distance of the border, they mean they will repair your car as your insurance...
  19. P

    Don't wait to get insurance at the border...

    Of course. One day or one year and everything in between. We do all kinds of insurance. Among the businesses that insure with us are Latitude 31, Black Dog, Thirsty Parrot, Manny's, Coyote Grill, and we do all of the Pinacate condos, Corona del Mar and Las Palmas. In addition we do all kinds of...
  20. P

    Don't wait to get insurance at the border...

    SMOOCH for Tyler!