We didn't get the letter in time, but we brought the shoes down anyway. We just brought our reciept with us and paid a 15% tax at the border. The looks on the kids faces was priceless. The younger ones didn't recognize the boxes, they probably thought they were just regular shoes. The real treat was watching the older children. They immediately knew what it was by looking at the boxes and they were obviously excited. The kids helped us unload the trunk and they seemed happy and content, considering their situation.
The orphanage is making progress on the new building, it will connect the other buildings and I think there will be a nursery.
One sad note, as we were unloading the boxes one of the little boys (6 or 7 years old) asked the lady in charge "am I going to get new shoes for when I go back with mommy?"
This crushed me and it affected my wife even more than me. After we left we spent the next few hours a little depressed, she even mentioned that she couldn't go back there anymore, it made her too sad(Mabey just send checks or something). We talked a little more and I just kept telling her that we should try to focus on what we can do to help, not on how sad the whole situation is. In the end, we agreed that we will continue to stop by on each trip. I think its good for us to keep things in perspective, and to show how our ability to help others is truly a blessing.