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  1. P

    Need help asap!!!!!

    Not MaBarker, she was a killer! I kinda like Bark...eheehe
  2. P

    New Scam to be Aware (Wary) of

    LOL! The victim is convinced, but the investigators say that elderly people usually give more information than they get when they receive a phone call. Such as asking, "Mark, is this you?" then the guy says, "Yeah, I'm Mark", as opposed to letting him talk. Well, really, she should have just...
  3. P

    New Scam to be Aware (Wary) of

    An elderly lady in Las Conchas got a phone call on Monday. She recognized the voice as being her neighbor there, a Mexican-American who lives with his wife in Phx when they aren't in Penasco (the wife is a Realtor). Anyway, the guy tells the lady that he and his wife are being detained at the...
  4. P

    Need help asap!!!!!

    You too. I have some money for Adopt-a-Classroom. I think it's a couple of months now. Anyway, I'm keeping track of the exact amount. I'm leaving for Phx in the morning, but lets plan to meet up next week, okay?
  5. P

    Need help asap!!!!!

    That's a lot of water, and we could sure use some if it's available. You know, I never really mention what we need because there are so many charities (like yours) that are more directly involved in helping those who truly have nothing. Our efforts are geared more towards helping promote tourism...
  6. P

    proposed security on our hwys

    I read just fine and am not drinking tonight. What's your excuse? Perhaps if you were less cryptic and sarcastic your posts would make more sense. I did notice that you are quick to call others out on their sarcasm (as you see it). You really should learn to use emoticons, since you have...
  7. P

    Need help asap!!!!!

    Thanks, Geoff. She'll be okay, I promise. She faxed me the ownership docs on the car and we're meeting up at 7am (my husband laughed when I told him he has to wake me at 5am!) Fausto is in communication with me as well and promised to be available if we need him (we won't). As for your kind...
  8. P

    Need help asap!!!!!

    This coming from you? This isn't even fact, as Stuart posted already, there are acts of kindness all over town. You only posted this to make it seem as though good news is hard to come by. You are, indeed, a troll.
  9. P

    Need help asap!!!!!

    Fausto is indeed an asset to the community, but I still think his personal cell number should not have been posted without his permission. This is just wrong.
  10. P

    Need help asap!!!!!

    If you were given Fausto's cell number, it was surely in confidence. Posting it here is way out of line and I would request that Stuart remove it. I post only my own numbers and think it's outrageous that you would abuse the confidence someone has placed in you. Just what Fausto...
  11. P

    Need help asap!!!!!

    Hi Geoffrey, I'm happy to be of service, but in the interest of fairness, the way you stated things on this forum is not exactly the way they occurred according to your secretary. I do understand, though, that people make mistakes and she will certainly get her car back, I'll see to that in the...
  12. P

    proposed security on our hwys

    Well, you say that there security wasn't increased, yet say that in Sonoyta you were asked questions. Guess what? The Red Cross donation team was moved and you were asked questions by Federal/State police. The rest of us noticed a lot more police of all types all over town, others didn't notice...
  13. P

    Passports/Drivers license/birth Certificate

    I don't see where you've caused any hate and discontent. Hope you keep posting.
  14. P

    Buying meds without prescription.....

    Stuart, this isn't scientific, but I'd say lagrimas85 isn't that other skin doesn't crawl the same way when I read his posts.
  15. P

    Proper ID's In MX

    When I saw this post earlier, I backed out without answering because I thought there was something wrong with I couldn't understand it. I figured these false eyelashes were somehow impeding my ability to read the post properly. What a relief it is to find out that my eyes are fine and...
  16. P

    Bad Accident Between Ajo and Why - 07/02/2010 - 1:00pm

    Crait, with all that has happened, it's incredible that you've made time to come here and give us this news. For that, we thank you. My prayers go out to you and your family. May God bless you and keep you all.
  17. P

    Cleaner beaches

    That's a great point, Sheryl. Personally, I don't think it will happen anyway. Florencio Diaz, director of Conagua was here just over a month ago to discuss just this, but it really is just in the beginning stages of discussion.
  18. P

    Cleaner beaches

    The city does some of the public beaches and a company named Jasbo cleans by contract in front of some of the resorts. Of late there's been talk of requiring people with federal zone concessions (beachfront) to keep their beach clean or risk losing the concession. The city would like to qualify...
  19. P

    Cooking class at Mickey's

    Further down on Fremont towards Las Conchas, almost across from Bryan's on the opposite side of the street. Plaza del Sol is two-stories tall, the one with an arch in front. It's where the cars tend to park in two rows. There are two buildings that seem connected but with different design...
  20. P


    ...or another example of RAMPANT THEFT?