If you were given Fausto's cell number, it was surely in confidence. Posting it here is way out of line and I would request that Stuart remove it. I post only my own numbers and think it's outrageous that you would abuse the confidence someone has placed in you. Just what Fausto needs...everybody in the world having his personal cell number. Geez...Is mordida another form of theft?
Contact Fausto Soto at [email protected] or cell 011-52-1-638-384- 0455 to hopefully recover the 1000.00. I'd do it fast before the money is divided up and spent on food and clothing for their kids!
Fausto is indeed an asset to the community, but I still think his personal cell number should not have been posted without his permission. This is just wrong.your welcome. correct i am new to forum but not PP. it is my place of residence and will be for years to come.
Fausta Soto is a great asset to the community.
This coming from you? This isn't even funny...in fact, as Stuart posted already, there are acts of kindness all over town. You only posted this to make it seem as though good news is hard to come by. You are, indeed, a troll.it's getting tiring of hearing only about thefts, corruption, dishonesty and big distrust of mexican folks in penasco. please post some good reports of positive experiences with locals.......acts of kindness with no financial motive? a loan that was repaid? a family unit with happy kids and both a mom and dad? kids in school with a desire for some post-secondary training?......anything?
Thanks, Geoff. She'll be okay, I promise. She faxed me the ownership docs on the car and we're meeting up at 7am (my husband laughed when I told him he has to wake me at 5am!) Fausto is in communication with me as well and promised to be available if we need him (we won't).Rosie,
thanks so much for the info. I obviously did not know any of the details you posted. I feel a little dumb about the $1,000.00 now, knowing it was used to pay for a fine and get her "friend" out of custody rather than a shakedown. My guess is she is embarrassed and didn't want to tell me the whole truth about what happened. I will not discuss this with her however, she can deal with it herself, i won't discuss the facts you've listed above. Also, thanks so much for helping. You were the first person i thought of when she told me what happened (at least the version she told me) - I think your organization is great and if there is a way to make a contribution, i would be glad to make a one i think your service is invaluable to tourists.
I agree with you that the resolution is a fair one - especially considering the actions of her friend - live and learn i guess. I also feel better that the police where not trying to shake her down and this restores some faith in the process.
I also told her to call Fausto and appreciate any help he has given as well.
OMG....I missed this one.....the planets must have aligned.....Jerry must have sold his other house in Santo Tomas......his team in in the World Cup Finals......or something!!! :rofl::stir:Ha I'm defending Joe! ?The Real estate professional?(professional witch) says: Does the police stop you from going into Cholla?....sort of like saying ? trailer trash how dare you question your rulers"
Thank You Stuart... just so happens that Rosie (waitress at Balboas) and I spent the morning taking Roman who also works at Balboas to the San Jose Clinic... Roman hasn't much more than the shirt on his back, a one room house and a few friends... Roman for a lack of better words is mentally challenged, but he always has time to make children happy and he offers a smile to everyone he meets...Make friends with Seadweller. Mark (along with others) does awesome charity work for the less fortunate in Penasco.
Rosie I wish I would have known about this sooner... we had about 29,000 bottles of drinking water that Harold had picked up... don't know if all have been used up, but I will check into it and get back to you...One thing we always seem to run low on is small bottles of water. Our volunteers and visitors go through those like...well, like water.
That's a lot of water, and we could sure use some if it's available. You know, I never really mention what we need because there are so many charities (like yours) that are more directly involved in helping those who truly have nothing. Our efforts are geared more towards helping promote tourism or lending a hand once they're here. Nevertheless, we do wind up needing things to keep going, and water is one thing that we need a lot of.Rosie I wish I would have known about this sooner... we had about 29,000 bottles of drinking water that Harold had picked up... don't know if all have been used up, but I will check into it and get back to you...
You too. I have some money for Adopt-a-Classroom. I think it's a couple of months now. Anyway, I'm keeping track of the exact amount. I'm leaving for Phx in the morning, but lets plan to meet up next week, okay?I'll talk to Harold in the morning to see if there are still any left... and I will also remember you for the next time we get another wharehouse full of bottled water... and Thanks for all you do...
Thank you so much Rosie... just give me a yell when you get back to Rocky Point and we can stop by.. Thank you so much once again...You too. I have some money for Adopt-a-Classroom. I think it's a couple of months now. Anyway, I'm keeping track of the exact amount. I'm leaving for Phx in the morning, but lets plan to meet up next week, okay?
Hi Mark, sorry it took so long, I sign on then get busy and run out of day! We are loading the truck for another run on Friday it's mostley stuff for VBS (wk of 19th) a pool for Boo & Harley:lol: and food. We are almost out of water but I will load as much as I can. Thanks for helping w/ Roman how is he doing? He was often the only adult the children in his area could count on for help when their parents were "away". Let us know if there is anything else you or anyone needs. See you Saturday. PS Thanks for the plug, we need rice beans & tuna also any canned food or vegetables.Rosie I wish I would have known about this sooner... we had about 29,000 bottles of drinking water that Harold had picked up... don't know if all have been used up, but I will check into it and get back to you...
I prefer BarbMark..."And, BTW, we always seem to leave Barb out (Mark knows how much we love him!!).............Barb, you're a great friend and you're priceless!!!!!!"
We always mean both of them! Maybe we need a combined name like Marb or Bark or MaBarker or ArbMa!![]()
Yes there is something we all need... a prayer for Roman... he had a relapse early this morning at about 1:00am and Rosie took him to the new hospital... I went to tell them that we were there for him... I came home and we just got a message from Rosie that our friend Roman had passed away...Thanks for helping w/ Roman how is he doing? He was often the only adult the children in his area could count on for help when their parents were "away". Let us know if there is anything else you or anyone needs.