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  1. Stuart

    Multiple People Shot in NYC this Morning

    You were never in the service, commie pinko rat fink. Do you know why you practice the same maneuvers over and over and over again? Simple. You fight like you train. And that saying appears in every ready room of every carrier I've ever been on. It becomes instinctive, you react, you don't think...
  2. Stuart

    "All Inclusive" What's usually included?

    Some of us do have lives outside of this forum. Then again, some of us don't. :puff:
  3. Stuart

    Multiple People Shot in NYC this Morning

    NYPD??? I haven't laughed so hard in years!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: The average concealed carry owner spends about 25x more time at the shooting range than a NYPD officer, who only has to qualify once a year from about 25 ft. Gimme a break.
  4. Stuart

    Penasco Sea Port is "Imminent," Casinos, Duty Free Stores a Must

    The seaport will be finished in October. What year is anybody's guess. :puff:
  5. Stuart

    " I came here to catch fish and that's just what we were there to do."

    Saw that yesterday. Impressive catch. The bigger the fish like that one, the faster they seem to die during the fight. Not sure why that is. Oxygen depletion, maybe. About all you can do at that point is use the boat to plane the fish back up to the surface a little bit at a time. Bump the...
  6. Stuart

    Mexico Issues Travel Warning For Chicago

    Hawaii also grows some of the best and strongest pot in the world. They're too stoned to shoot anyone, brah. (makes as much sense as Jerry's argument) :rofl:
  7. Stuart

    Mexico Issues Travel Warning For Chicago

    Geez, Russ... it's not even 9:00 AM yet!!! What the heck, it's 5:00 somewhere!! :rofl:
  8. Stuart

    Mexico Issues Travel Warning For Chicago

    Chicago is out of control right now. I posted something similar last week. The problem is, this is a near daily occurence. The numbers are staggering and it's 99.9% gang-related violence. Unfortunately, just like the cartel shootings in Mexico, there's a fair number of innocents that get caught...
  9. Stuart

    The Cat and the Dolphins

    And then you have my kinda cat...
  10. Stuart

    girl falls from balcony at marina pinacate

    Very sad. My prayers are with her family.
  11. Stuart

    Sonoyta Bridge?

    That junction is one of the most poorly designed things I've ever seen and I've nearly been wrecked there twice -- just passing straight through to/from Penasco. Seems people get disoriented and lose their sense of right of way, or are confused and think they are going the wrong way. It's...
  12. Stuart

    Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

    You want some real murders, head to Shitcago. At Least 10 Dead, Dozens Wounded In Weekend Violence « CBS Chicago 10 people were killed and some 40 others were wounded. That's just this past weekend. A six-year old girl playing on her front porch, parents sitting there with her, was one of the...
  13. Stuart

    Swimming with sharks at "that time of the Month" no problem

    And you posted this why? Good grief...
  14. Stuart

    I Guess You Can't Go To See the Cardinals Anymore!

    Musta been a Raiders fan that did the shooting... :puff:
  15. Stuart

    Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

    The 1st rule of Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club. :puff:
  16. Stuart

    Laguna Shores

    God help us all... :rofl:
  17. Stuart

    Fishing venture turns up all kinds of weird deep-sea sharks

    Whale turds. That's the bottom of the ocean. Seriously though, there is a deep water fishery in several parts of the world. That's where orange roughy comes from (well, used to come from, until they wiped it out). Orange roughy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia And the whole story here...
  18. Stuart

    Laguna Shores

    I'd rather sit and listen to Kenny and Jerry for 12 hours straight than go to a condo/timeshare/vacation home sales pitch. That should tell you everything you need to know. And my tolerance for pain! :puff:
  19. Stuart

    Rocky Point is Safe Blog

    Didn't you know that Rosie is 75% Mexican gypsy? That's right. She's an expert at reading Magic Eight Balls. I think hers is stuck, though. It always says "Ask again later". She does crystal ball, crystal waving, tarot cards, and psychotic readings, bruha curses with burning sage, and finger...
  20. Stuart

    Rocky Point is Safe Blog

    Paging Roberto... paging Roberto...:puff: