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  1. Stuart

    How Long?

    I put the Crisco as his avatar and changed his title after reading all the "lard" nonsense. Told him to knock off the nonsense or he'd be in banned camp.
  2. Stuart

    Driving down to Cabo San Lucas

    Ahhhhhh, obviously I misunderstood! Thought it was vacation!! Well, might as well make the most of it, then! I recommend this: Drive over to Temecula and cross at Tecate. This route takes you through the northern Baja wine country and is very pretty, dumps you out south of Ensenada, if I...
  3. Stuart

    Interesting Report on meeting with Mayor 1/25/13

    Famous last words... :puff: "We're from the government and we're here to help!"
  4. Stuart

    Driving down to Cabo San Lucas

    One word - fly. You'll save yourself a lot of heartache and gray hair. Mex 1 is hideous; have driven it. We beach camped down Baja for three weeks a few years back and while I loved the experience at the time, don't think I'd do it again soon. But, to each their own sense of adventure! :puff:
  5. Stuart

    How NOT to Back Down on a Marlin

    ooopsie!!! Boat Sinks While Fighting a Marlin
  6. Stuart

    The Competion....

    Exactly where we stayed, El Cid Marina. I think I could live right there the rest of my life. When we were down, the Faro (right next door) was shuttered up and has been for a long time due to a "labor dispute." What a shame, the Faro is classic Mazatlan and beautiful property. I don't think it...
  7. Stuart

    Boomerfest Question

    If that's true, I don't think you could pay me to go on it. :puff:
  8. Stuart

    big boy fishing trip advice

    It's hard to say what will be biting. Depends a lot on water temp, but March/April is usually prime time for white sea bass. Also depends on where you go to fish (how far). How many people in the group? As always, I recommend getting in touch with Mark at; he's...
  9. Stuart

    The Competion....

    I love Mazatlan and can't wait to go back. That's a great price. As the local captains in Mazatlan have told me "We were Cabo before Cabo was Cabo!" And they are correct. :puff:
  10. Stuart

    Boomerfest Question

    Those be Mexican deep-water grouper spears. :puff:
  11. Stuart

    Directions to Puerto Lobos

    You have a lot of faith in people, don'tcha? :puff:
  12. Stuart

    Bone Fishing

    Bonefish are my personal best grouper bait. And as Kelney said, they love sabikis. You can can catch oodles of them just out from the Miramar in 20-40 ft. of water. Just can't do it "stalking them on the flats" style.
  13. Stuart

    Goin'to Mexicali

    Even more fun when towing a boat going to/from San Felipe! Did it once... that was enough for me! :puff:
  14. Stuart

    Snow possible in Penasco Monday morning

    22.1 in my backyard in Tempe at 7:45 this morning. BRRRRRR!!!! The hummingbird feeders were frozen solid! I had a burner going under my tangelo tree all night and a heat dish under my Mex lime; hope they make it!!
  15. Stuart

    Snow possible in Penasco Monday morning

    Went out fishing today... brrrrrrr! This is all I could catch! :puff:
  16. Stuart

    Boomerfest Question

    So same ol' more of the same ol' stuff? I'll take three of those VIP Platinum tix, okay? :puff:
  17. Stuart

    Biggest Cactus contest

    Okay, I'll play. What do I win? :puff:
  18. Stuart

    Boomerfest Question

    Hell, I say they should just go for the whole "Burning Man" type festival at the beach!! REALLY bring back the 60's for the Boomers! :puff:
  19. Stuart

    My beloved forum family

    Hang in there Jeeper. We loves ya. They need to stop "practicing" medicine on ya and get to work!!! Hugs!!!
  20. Stuart

    $1,760,000 Tuna sale

    Yup. They've been at it for years and will be the reason bluefin go extinct. BLUEFIN TUNA FISHING AND JAPAN: BIG FISH, HIGH PRICES, QUOTAS, PROPOSED BANS, STOCKPILES AND BLUEFIN FISH FARMS - Japan | Facts and Details Mitsubushi has been freezing and stockpiling them as an investment...