Search results

  1. Jungle Jim

    Swimming in Rocky Point

    FYI.............. California Sea Lions haul out and breed on Isla San Jorge. California Sea Lions follow the commercial boats for bycatch and steal fish from sport boaters around PP. California Sea Lions hang out in the harbor at PP. Great White Sharks eat California Sea Lions. Great White...
  2. Jungle Jim

    sonoyta safety warning...

    Hey Jerrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiii......... Are you on acid or is that story the result of a really shitty translator program? My peanut brain can hardly comprehend it. I did get "tractor company Beavers" AKA: Castores trucking. JJ
  3. Jungle Jim

    Emergency numbers

    Grassy-ass Tiburon, JJ
  4. Jungle Jim

    Emergency numbers

    Anyone know the current numbers for highway emergencies? Ya know for accidents, breakdowns, banditos, rogue cops, phoney checkpoints, etc.? Not only telephone numbers but CB and VHF? JJ
  5. Jungle Jim

    Sting Ray Bites

    Somebody shoulda told all of this to Steevo! Many moons ago I had one get me in the palm of my hand whilst unhooking it. The stinger broke off in my hand and I couldn't get it out due to the serrations on the barb. Had to get at doctor to cut it out. I must say that was a truly stimulating...
  6. Jungle Jim

    She say's don't invest in Mexico...I say at least not like she did....

    I SECCUND de MOSHON..... Without Jerry this blog-spot would dry up, turn into polvo and blow away with the very next chubasco. JJ
  7. Jungle Jim

    Fishermen Rumble

    Hey Beach Dog, The Great Happy did call me. I hadn't talked with him in at least seven years. Thanks, JJ
  8. Jungle Jim

    Fishermen Rumble

    Stuart, Do you have any contact info on Gene Kira?? I need to load up on Rebel Jointed Spoonbills. Thanks, JJ 800-494-5597
  9. Jungle Jim

    New overpass

    No Hobie.... I never go down on a holiday weekend. Way too many crazies for my laid back lifestyle. This weekend I'll be riggin up the boat and fishing tackle for a serious meat run next weekend. I've got five wolf hi-breeds that just love-a-de-feeeshy. Maybe we can meet to cook-em up at...
  10. Jungle Jim

    New overpass

    Soooooo Russsssss......... Are you takin a dump under that Cardon or just feelin a little frisky with Sr. Chorizo Chiquito? JJ
  11. Jungle Jim

    Continued Harassment by the Police Department

    Terry...... Over the years I have come to the conclusion that the best thing to do is to: JUST ACT DUMB. Those thievin bastards certainly aren't stupid enough to assume every Gringo speaks and comprehends esh-pan-yole. Even if you do, don't ever let them think that you do. If they speak...
  12. Jungle Jim

    New overpass

    Hey Vern............... I happen to have a place just behind el restaurante Capones, go there twice a month or more for four or five day weekends, all year long, haul my toys down or just leave them there. I usually dump a thousand bucks or more per trip into the RP economy. I've been...
  13. Jungle Jim

    New overpass

    Sooooooooo Russs................. Well then, you must be one of the jackasses that shells out dinero to those feeeeelthy roadside banditos, which is why they are there in the first place, always looking for a sign of weakness, especialamente con los Gringos estupidos. I've heard it a million...
  14. Jungle Jim

    New overpass

    Lemmiee tella you another guaranteed screw de Gringo spot................... El Golfo de Santa Clara, the sleepy little shit hole and first stop south on the so called "Coastal Highway". Pull into that berg and you will have one or more of the only two policia pickups on yer ass the instant...
  15. Jungle Jim

    New overpass

    I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm surrrrrrr............ That those greasy grimy pot bellied pistol brandishing peckers AKA RP Policia road block bastardos will still find a way the set up shop and fleece the incoming Gringos at that intersection. Still makes me sick to my stomach that we had to deal with those...
  16. Jungle Jim

    Claiming The Title

    Mooooeeee mal-oooooooooooooooooooooo..... The shrimpers won't even attempt it. They stay put in port or if get caught unawares head for proverbial "any port in a storm". I've spent many an afternoon or even overnight anchored on the lee side of Isla San Jorge with a dozen or more PP...
  17. Jungle Jim

    sonoyta safety warning...

    Hey Jerry................ My Commander In Chief was instrumental in putting a half million of those hairy-assed-camel-humpers six feet under within the first week of the invasion. I really have my doubts that they were ever able to locate enough of the seventy two virgins each had been promised...
  18. Jungle Jim


    Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat find Jerry! RP investors might do a little research before ploppin down a sack of coin on a more than certain boondoggle. These scams are cyclic, after eight or ten years those who lost a wad do every the can to forget it. That "Nautical Staircase" scam was a Mexican...
  19. Jungle Jim


    Ohh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......................... Wait till you see what the sea can do. The power of a thousand bull dozers. A little at a time sometimes, unbelievable at other times. As time marches on, one side of that rockpile will be a catchall for every bit of krap from El Golfo south...
  20. Jungle Jim


    Wellllllllll DH, I've never been on a "Dream Land = Cruise Ship" but have been on several "Reality = converted shrimp trawlers" for fishing and wildlife viewing, including HMS Intrepid whose owner had plans for the exact same thing being proposed for the new fiasco. The difference between...