Search results

  1. moore_rb

    license. what license

    that is correct...boldness below is added for emphasis, not yelling.... NO LICENSE NECESSARY WHEN FISHING FORM SHORE IN MEXICAN WATERS.
  2. moore_rb

    Rocky Point report 7-23-10

    Dan- I don't believe you really caught that fish out of Rocky Point... :wink: From the direction of the wave-swell in the picture of you holding the fish, and using the angle that the light source is reflecting of the aluminum of your tower, that picture could only have been taken at the...
  3. moore_rb

    report for 7-23-10

    This has become one of the most awesome online fishing reports I've ever read... If we dropped in a couple F-Bombs here and there, this one would be ready for bloodydecks... :sharks:
  4. moore_rb


    Thanks. I just read a lot about fish. I also have a 200 gallon saltwater aquarium at home. You'd think some of this knowledge would make me a better fisherman, but alas, there's no substitute for practice.
  5. moore_rb

    boat repairs

    Yup, I second the opinion that the iboats online store is awesome... They always have the parts I need for my 30 year old stern drive, or my 20 year old kicker outboard... Doug, did you bring your boat back up here to repair it yourself?
  6. moore_rb

    report for 7-23-10

    Hmmm , I'm running out of popcorn... I better run to Lobos to get some more. :popcorn:
  7. moore_rb

    report for 7-23-10

  8. moore_rb


    Regarding spawning, Roosterfish, being Jacks, are pelagic spawners, and not substrate spawners. This means that their eggs float freely in the water column after spawning, and then they hatch into planktonic larvae which continue drifting on the open water for weeks after hatching. I'll agree...
  9. moore_rb


    Pez Gallo is not hightly regarded table fare (the strong, gamey flavor has been compared to Horse eye jack or Jack Cravalle from the gulf of Mexico) Plus, Roosters are sort of revered for their beauty by Mexican Fishermen, kind of like Golden Grouper (Reina)
  10. moore_rb


    If there were adult Pez Gallo in Penasco then they would be getting caught- I would think shorefishing guru's like Kenny and Don would have a history of catching them. Now, with the reduction in totoaba and other apex shoreline predators, perhaps a niche will open up that could bring the...
  11. moore_rb


    Correct, 3/4 ounce silver kastmaster that I was throwing at a mixed school of shortfin corvina and leatherjacks (and baby roosterfish)
  12. moore_rb


    Yeah I've caught a couple that size in La Marua as well... what I want to know is how far down the coast does one have to go to catch REAL roosterfish...?
  13. moore_rb


    I read Stuart's report from Lobos (and checked out the awesome pics/vid on Ted's website) and I was wondering how far up the coast north from Lobos anyone has ever caught large Roosters? Roosterfish are interesting because they are a shallow, surf feeding species, but they are primarily only...
  14. moore_rb

    report for 7-23-10

    I was just looking at Doug's pics... is that taken in front of Al Capones? They have a fish rack out there...?
  15. moore_rb

    report for 7-23-10

    Awesome report! damn, yellowtail near Penasco in 84 degree water, while the water off San Diego is still 64 and nary a yellow to be found... Spent my weekend celebrating my daughter's 7th birthday.
  16. moore_rb

    Ideal Rocky Point Fishing Boat for sale.

    Well, I've decided to see if there is a buyer out there for my boat- I want to move up to a Center Console that could fish 5 or more people. My boat fishes 4 adults comfortably, but any more than than and the elbow room gets pretty tight... I'll stress that this boat has nothing wrong with it...
  17. moore_rb

    Tiime to go...........

    Daughter's birthday tomorrow... no bueno for me this weekend. I towed the boat to San Diego last weekend and fished the Coronado islands for two days, yielding a big fat ZIPPO on gamefish. Loaded the cooler with tasty Sculpin and Rockfish, but no Yellowtail or Tuna. A few locals managed to...
  18. moore_rb

    Stops by The Mexican Navy This Weekend?

    no license necessary to fish from shore, and I don't think a kayak counts as a boat since it does not move under the power of an engine...
  19. moore_rb

    Bouyweather is looking really crappy for this weekend....

    Stuart are you still planning to head down...? I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do- RP looks like it will be super choppy, and the fishing in San Diego looks stone-cold. The only good action in California waters looks to be a good WSB bite on the hard side of Catalina island I seriously...
  20. moore_rb

    Bouyweather is looking really crappy for this weekend.... 4- day forecasts are free- the ability to get 7 day forecasts costs 80 bucks per year. The wind data for Puerto Penasco is not coming through from NOAA accurately, so I recommend pulling the GFS Mateo data and look at the forecast wind speeds being listed there. Here is...