I found it Wahoo, it's now on the Sports page.Rosy took down your birthday story and the pictures of your gang and great catch, why, only she knows.
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I found it Wahoo, it's now on the Sports page.Rosy took down your birthday story and the pictures of your gang and great catch, why, only she knows.
Wow, guys...I need to hang out in Fishing more often. Here I thought this was just a bunch of guys with friendly fish talk...come to find out you really know how to find controversy even in fish. I don't profess to understand why my article kicked up dust, but obviously it did, so let me explain just a couple of things:Reel Hard, Rosy had a front page story on your trip; front page of RPNews online, Pictures of your gang and 7 Groupers. Even Wishing you a Happy "Belated" Birthday. The heading was fishing in Puerto Lobos, and caught in Puerto lobos.
I mentioned the correction and Rosy thanked me... Right away the Heading was changed to Fishing in Puerto Penasco. All is good. (go back to post #16)
D MmCauley, I criticized whom? Explain?
So you still think Stuart was in Puerto Penasco with all the pictures of him in Puerto Lobos? I have no idea what my blinders are that do not allow me to see links and pictures. Maybe your anger against me is blinding you. Maybe two stories on the same thread are a little confusing???? Anti who, ? Yes I am anti and you know whom, but the Rosy story just shows your anger, and that might be you looking in the mirror.
It is clear Stuart was in Puerto Lobos, he even shared great links of that incredible trip.
Reel Hard, ... Rosy promotes Rocky point and had Puerto Lobos on the headline on the front page, this was in homage to you and wished a hapy birthday for all to see. Where you "Slay" . . . the Gulf Grouper is not the point, nor do I care. It was by Puerto Penasco and those hung should at least have the name of where they where born and it was not Puerto Lobos.
Reel, I do find your magnificant catches of White Sea bass incredible and this is not about you.
Last, unfortunately the link is dead of your story,..
Rosy took down your birthday story and the pictures of your gang and great catch, why, only she knows.
Stewart was that fish caught North or South of the lighthouse?Yeah, p'bably being blocked by your work. I run into that issue at work whenever I look at porn......uh, some fishing sites. Seriously though, images get blocked all the time. Oh, I love Websense (not!)
For whatever reason, the Whale Shark video is posted upside down. Go figure. Here's the roosterfish picture. I have no idea who the fat guy is holding it, though.
This was beautiful and awsomeOK, am I the only person who can't see the photos and/or video for the Whale Shark? It's supposed to be on here?
Sorry if it's just being blocked on my work computer.
It was caught north of the light house along the stretch of sandy beach that heads north. No more than 10 yards off the beach in less than 3 ft. of water.Stewart was that fish caught North or South of the lighthouse?