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  1. Jungle Jim

    God damn Heroin

    How about Charlie Darwin the Sword of Stupidity as you're to damned dumb to breed? Fogerty could probably make it work with a new riff of "Runnin Thru The Jungle". Anyone or anything that damned dumb should never be able to pass on that inbred stupidity to the future of any species to include...
  2. Jungle Jim

    Turtle laying eggs

    Hey Sonya............ Got a twenty thousand gallon salt water pool? Circulating fresh sea water? Temp controlled? Do you know what they eat? Turtle food from WalMart? Dried flies and meal worms? They catch you with one I'll bet you will be the Belle of the Ball at the Federal Prison in...
  3. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Ya know.......... You sound like someone dealing out Jamaican justice. Rasta Man murders tourist. Rasta Man not guilty because if tourist not there Rasta Man wouldn't been able to kill him. Tourist guilty of his own murder. JJ
  4. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Hey Estero..................... That link has a full on ATTACK VIRUS embedded in it! I would advise no one to open it. Took me two hours to scour it from my my PC. JJ
  5. Jungle Jim

    I used to do waste of time and gear. Back in the Sun-N-Fun dive shop days. We set up around twenty spinning outfits and twenty more conventional surf casting/jigging outfits. Every single one came back totally screwed up. Maybe one out of fifty renters had a clue as to...
  6. Jungle Jim

    God damn Heroin

    Even though illegal for the average filthy hairy desert sand ape in old time Iran, the Shah allowed all "citizens" of age sixty or more to receive a free government supply of Tootsie Roll looking thick sticky black opium to smoke. You know the drill. The old shits would more sooner than later...
  7. Jungle Jim

    Teenage Guantanamo Style Brainwashing Gulag Opens for Business

    So Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeey....................................................................................... WTF does that link have to do with the Lobo Del Mar cult? Why do you despise them so much?? Didn't get into the belly dancing young blondies silky undies??? I came close...
  8. Jungle Jim

    Sonoran Pronghorn numbers rising

    Hey Jerry......... Ever been to the edge of those craters or climbed down to the floor? I have. Unreal to say the least. In the summer the Bighorns that inhabit the more remote ones spend the day circling around the crater walls to stay in the shade. All of those are now completely off...
  9. Jungle Jim


    Hey Spinner......... Two different fish. Yellow Tail, a member of the Jack family, common around PP on rocky reefs in both deep and shallow water, prefer cool winter water temps. Yellowfin Tuna, a true tuna, offshore from PP at least twenty miles out only in warm water during the summer...
  10. Jungle Jim

    Good News on El Homeport

    Verrry Coool Jerrry! JJ
  11. Jungle Jim

    Vidanta Alegría to set sail soon

    Be sure to forward that to the Butter Boy! JJ
  12. Jungle Jim


    Jerry............. We didn't hit the beach at Jaguey this time. We found a complicated new route that goes to the beach through the asparagus fields and olive groves and ends up on the bluff above the lagoon then on the Salinas Point. The fish camp at the point has at least one hundred...
  13. Jungle Jim


    Another note on last Saturdays excursion.......... Someone or some entity is involved with a serious beach cleanup on Salinas Point at this time. That beach didn't really have the trash on the high tide zone like so many other Sonora beaches. The first one quarter of the beach southward has...
  14. Jungle Jim


    Actually is is far less than that as the adult male and female turtles must produce only two offspring to adulthood and death to replace themselves. Do this math...a female turtle deposits fifty to one hundred eggs every year during her forty or fifty year lifespan. That's well over two...
  15. Jungle Jim


    Some more.............. I believe that those little turtles had probably emerged last week as the egg shells were still soft and rubbery. There were no little turtle tracks but the super high tide of that day certainly would have washed them away. Further south on the beach we found a recent...
  16. Jungle Jim


    Saturday 2 December 2017 we discovered EIGHT Olive Ridley Sea Turtle nests and a dead Vaquita Porpoise! We hit the beach in our red Jeep TJ Wrangler at the south end of Salinas Point at high tide and motored north slowly following the receding water. About midway on the strand we spotted a bone...
  17. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Miramar.......... Yes, Salinas Point with Saint George Island out on the western horizon. We saw Vaquitas lazily hunting within a stones throw just offshore along that beach twice last spring. JJ
  18. Jungle Jim

    The Last Vaquita?

    Estero......... We counted sixteen full sized trawlers in that area today at around two PM on our way back to Yuma. Stopped on the cliffs near Campo Las Brisas and checked them out with binoculars, all were in full bottom drag mode with outriggers out and trawls deployed lazily scrapping what...
  19. Jungle Jim

    Fish Report for Thanksgiving 2017

    Hello Andrew.......... Plenty of smaller Leopard Groupers and Broomtail Groupers can be caught on the troll less than one hundred feet from shore along La Cholla. They are mostly in the five to ten pound range but I regularly snatch a twenty pound Leopard Grouper in that area. The area around...
  20. Jungle Jim

    New PP Episode on HGTV

    So.................. You wanna "moderate me"............ with extreme prejudice?? Like ban me? Maybe terminate me?? Typical commie jerk, can't put up with a bit of free speech little snowflake? Maybe you should enlist in the Army, they'll take care of your simpering attitude. JJ