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  1. Wood Spinner


    We went in to get Ednas fishing lic. yesterday and I again ask about the new bounders. I was again told that they will be going into force but not until after May . He was a little vague about the actual start of enforcement bnut was firm on the fact it will happen. Again this is Mexico and I...
  2. Wood Spinner


    Thank you all that made this another great time with good food, Tequila and best of all great folks
  3. Wood Spinner

    Animal Certificates of Health at Border

    Due to the charge our vet charges for a health certificate I copied his form in to powerpoint and revised it to show it as a vaccination and health report. I just added a revised title line. I also revised how the vaccination due dates show better. When we get to the border our dog looks for...
  4. Wood Spinner

    Animal Certificates of Health at Border

    Considering the San Bernadino, Ca incident do you rely feel any more safe than in Mexico. ?
  5. Wood Spinner

    LUMBR & HRDW STORE ADDED to P of Int. map

    I forgot to say that I only finished pre school after trying for three years
  6. Wood Spinner

    LUMBR & HRDW STORE ADDED to P of Int. map

    OK I stand corrected fore my minor infraction of the laws of language and nations or anything else. But I will say that many of the folks that I know have said they speak Mexican or Spanglish. PLEASE PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED BY MY LACK OF SATISFACTORY LANGUAGE. ALSO DO NOT EVEN PUT ME IN THE...
  7. Wood Spinner


    Hope these pics work. I had to resize. Hope to have it done in a month.
  8. Wood Spinner


    Well I finally bought a somewhat boat 1995 15 fdt Sea Swirl with all wood rotted out out. Removed everything down to the base shell and doing a total rebuild. Found a 70 year old fellow that has been rebuiulding PONGAs for years. Rebuild about $450.00 T & M . Bought a tandem trailer for a...
  9. Wood Spinner

    LUMBR & HRDW STORE ADDED to P of Int. map

    May be this is more clear for those needing help. This lumberyard only has mexican speaking people that work there. None of them speak ANY english
  10. Wood Spinner

    Adobe Photoshop Ps6

    It is not free, I don't think. Google it and see what you find. Send me an E-mail for an alternate [email protected]
  11. Wood Spinner


    OK I am repromanded and hang my head in shame. I promise I will not do it again !
  12. Wood Spinner


    Got to Sinoita about 4:30 and when we went over the last hill out the end of the line started there and was at a crawl. I checked the dash map and saw the local road 2 blocks to the left went almost to the border. I tried it and came out about 2 blocks from the border. Yes I did pi^&** off...
  13. Wood Spinner

    11/14 fishing report - Santo Tomas

    How about someone giving a HOW TO on adding pics
  14. Wood Spinner

    LUMBR & HRDW STORE ADDED to P of Int. map

    I just added a location on the Places of Interest map for a lumber and some hardware store. Mexican only spoken there.
  15. Wood Spinner

    Verizon in Mexico!

    We switched from Verizon to T-Mobile. Cheaper, great internet speed and almost unlimited Gigs and it seems we can be in the net for a lot longer and rack up very few Megs not even Gigs I think the service here in PP is even better than in the states. It also works in Show Low, AZ.
  16. Wood Spinner


    Bringing Ham See you soon
  17. Wood Spinner

    Fishing report Nov 9th.

    Good to know. I was just guessing looking at the long top tail. I don't rely care as they tasted great ! And a lot of fun to catch. So neat to look at them in the water circling behind the boat, the eyes like lights in their heads. I am setting up some gear for the next time Yumajames.
  18. Wood Spinner

    Couple of questions on Surf and Kayak Fishing by the Mayan

    jmcdtuscon Offshore where ? The Mayan or Encanto
  19. Wood Spinner


    I may be wrong and I hope so. I have a location West of Pelican that I rely like so I am going back!
  20. Wood Spinner

    Fishing report Nov 9th.

    Great guys to fish with. I felt so safe as they each Intensive care nurses. No reley nice folks that know how to fish and where. We intended to go to the 51 fish and spend the night but it was rough and not fun to fish. So we headed over to reef about 10 miles from Bird Island and fished...