Fishing report Nov 9th.


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Went out fishing with Bill (Woodspinner) and a buddy last couple of days. Went out to 50 and 30 mile markers but rougher than expected. Bill showed us how to fish, pulled in a flounder, some red snappers, miscellaneous fish, and we tied into a herd of (thresher?) sharks. Cooked up shark steak tonight, was awesome!
Great guys to fish with. I felt so safe as they each Intensive care nurses. No reley nice folks that know how to fish and where. We intended to go to the 51 fish and spend the night but it was rough and not fun to fish. So we headed over to reef about 10 miles from Bird Island and fished there. Still a little rough but as evening closed in ti got very nice.
We fished the afternoon and a little after dark and then the sharks came in. I had never caught one before so it was a lot of fun. We actually ended up with 4 nice young Thrashers and we are going to have some tonight for dinner.Thanks to each of you guys for a great time. Looking forward to doing it again.
Those sharks actually look like Blacktip Sharks although a little blurry on my screen. Pretty common in the area. Definitely NOT Threshers.


Am sure you're right Loudmusic, I don't know a lot about sharks and the guy I was fishing with thought they were threshers and I had no clue. I just looked up images of blacktip sharks and they definitely do look like them. Thanks for the clarification.
Good to know. I was just guessing looking at the long top tail. I don't rely care as they tasted great ! And a lot of fun to catch.
So neat to look at them in the water circling behind the boat, the eyes like lights in their heads.
I am setting up some gear for the next time Yumajames.


The exception to this rule is Marlin, Sailfish and Swordfish and Shark, of which only one (1) of each is allowed, and which counts as five (5) toward the overall ten (10) fish limit.
Additionally Dorado, Roosterfish, Shad, or Tarpon, of which only two (2) of each species are allowed, and which count as five (5) toward the overall 10 fish limit.
Like we said, a little confusing so here are some example of daily limits. Remember you can always come back tomorrow.
Bag Limits
Ok, so here goes the fishing regulations are like this, The daily limit is ten fish per permit holder.
Sounds simple enough but it get´s complicated when you start catching fish like Marlin or Dorado or Shark.
In ocean waters and estuaries the limit is a total of ten (10) fish per day, with no more than five (5) catches of a single species.
Examples of Daily Limit
• One Marlin and 2 Dorado or
• One Sailfish and One Marlin or
• 2 Dorado and 2 Roosterfish or
• One Shark and One Marlin or
• One Marlin and 5 Amberjack


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Blacktip Sharks. They are all over out there this time of the year and can be incredibly thick on some of the reefs. Good eats, make the best fish tacos in Mexico!


Will let you know the next time we're going out Woodspinner, that was a good time. And you're absolutely right Stuart, this was the first time we caught bigger sharks worth keeping, so easy to catch and clean, boneless, was really surprised how good they tasted !


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
wait till you try Mako. I think that it is some of the best tasting. Leigh
Mako shark is some of the finest eating to come out of the ocean. I've fished for them and caught a couple out of Santa Barbara, CA. There, we would slow troll whole barracuda for them. They are hooked occasionally in the Cortez, but seldom caught unless you are fishing specifically for them (heavy cable-wire leader). They are extremely powerful and just shred normal tackle. Have had a couple pop-up out of nowhere while out fishing the deep reefs, but by the time you can get a rig ready for them, they are usually gone. Every now and then somebody gets lucky and actually lands a mako, but it's rare. The medium size black tips (15-30 lbs) are easier to catch when they are around.