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  1. Stuart

    Anybody hear about this? Gruesome!

    How in da hell did I miss dat'?
  2. Stuart

    Anybody hear about this? Gruesome!

    Bueller? Bueller? Nobody?
  3. Stuart

    Anybody hear about this? Gruesome!

    Let's swim with the sea lions, they said. It will be fun, they said. Exactly why I never go in the water near San Jorge. Had to be a great white.
  4. Stuart

    Mirgant train may pass through Penasco??

    Border Patrol snagged a large group that crossed this week just west of Lukeville. Like 45, all Central American, some women and children in the group, but mostly young men. Was in the paper earlier this week.
  5. Stuart

    Fishing Posters

    Not sure where to buy, but have seen them down in the fish market at some of the stores.
  6. Stuart

    What are the chances the Gov't will close Lukeville?

    Bob, was exactly the same when we crossed on Monday. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, other than a single gate open and at least three heavily armed agents directing us gringos into each line. Normally don't see the agents with automatic rifles slung over their shoulders. Kind of a clue that...
  7. Stuart

    What are the chances the Gov't will close Lukeville?

    I have no idea. All I know is what the guy told me when we crossed. We asked specifically if he was talking about TJ, that had been on the news, and he said no, right here. If I had to guess, I'd say they are keeping it all quiet and their eyes wide open so as not to draw more of them to...
  8. Stuart

    Turtle hatchings 2018

    Also, some big areas and patches of red tide out there. Bright red water.
  9. Stuart

    Turtle hatchings 2018

    We saw quite a few adult turtles heading out and back to the 51 this weekend, more than we normally see in the area. The finbacks are starting to come up as well. Saw a couple 45 miles out.
  10. Stuart

    What are the chances the Gov't will close Lukeville?

    Also odd, there was not a single federale to be seen on the Mexican side. Don’t know where they were all hiding.
  11. Stuart

    What are the chances the Gov't will close Lukeville?

    That was ONLY at the border, by the way. We saw no signs of the caravan on the road or anywhere else. Penasco was business as usual and we had a wonderful weekend. Just be aware that there is a chance you could encounter it at the border. We figured there are worse places to be stranded for a...
  12. Stuart

    What are the chances the Gov't will close Lukeville?

    Border guy in Lukeville told us we were lucky to make it back over yesterday. Said they had a group of 40 to 50 storm the border that morning there. They drove 'em back and shut the border for a bit. We asked him if they were throwing rocks and shit and he said "I wish they would have; my M4 was...
  13. Stuart

    Anybody But Me Been Hearing This Ad on the Radio???

    No, I sneaked snapped that pic while I was talking with the owner of Collins, whom I've known for for decades. Didn't even realize Brylcreem was there until he sushed me and pointed out he had just walked in and was sitting behind me. I had just mentioned this thread to him. Hey, we all...
  14. Stuart

    Anybody But Me Been Hearing This Ad on the Radio???

    No dealings (no axes here). Collins. He had a female with him. I did not engage him on the advise i've read here. The bloody Mary's were flowing. I was tempted... but why ruin a beautiful weekend?
  15. Stuart

    Anybody But Me Been Hearing This Ad on the Radio???

    Someone is still in Rocky Point, enjoying life, drinking bloody Mary's like he owns the place. Snapped this yesterday. Must be nice to have lots of OPM (other people's money). Just sayin'... the Brylcreem still seems to be thing. :uhyeah:
  16. Stuart

    Airslot Project.

  17. Stuart

    Airslot Project.

    Some advice? Make sure it's overflowing full when you head out. Do NOT rely on the fuel pumps to give you an accurate fuel calculation of how much gas you put in; they are notoriously short, especially the Circle K right by Safe Marine. A buddy and I have both been bit by this, putting in what...
  18. Stuart

    Airslot Project.

    Cool... you're gonna need to make a few trips to see what kind of range you'll have. On good water, I used to burn at least 88 gallons out to the 51 and back. How much fuel will it hold?
  19. Stuart

    Airslot Project.

    Here's the one I was looking at. It's actually not a bad deal the more I think about it. Would put me back on the water again without spending a fortune.