Stuart Aye carumba!!! Staff member Dec 9, 2018 #2 Not sure where to buy, but have seen them down in the fish market at some of the stores.
R ralph g Guest Dec 14, 2018 #3 go to the fish store across the street from the burger king two story building
T Ted Guest Dec 21, 2018 #4 This poster is not accurate. The totuava and white sea bass are mixed up. Groupers are anything but slow growing and long lived-that would be black sea bass!
This poster is not accurate. The totuava and white sea bass are mixed up. Groupers are anything but slow growing and long lived-that would be black sea bass!
E estevan Guest Jan 5, 2019 #5 I found this one at a fish market in town a few years ago. Not sure if they still sell them