Search results

  1. mondone

    Drinking water

    Reyna on Sinaloa, north of tracks
  2. mondone

    Crime Spree- stolen goods in Miramar, Encanto & Dorado

    Nothing was stolen within the Encanto HOA area. Our guards however, were informed of what occurred further east.
  3. mondone

    Harbor boat launch area getting improvements

    Advances modernization of the "Bajada de las Pangas" in Puerto Peñasco Posted: 07 Dec 2020 10:57 PM PST PUERTO PEASCO.- The popular land, known as La Bajada de Las pangas, in the Port Campus will radically change its image, when starting the integral improvement and modernization works of that...
  4. mondone

    Best Month in RP: October! 4k Killer...

    My Humminbird showing average of 83° from harbor to Encanto.
  5. mondone

    Mayan guards kicked us out of the estuary while we were fishing today.

    Not cool and ILLEGAL! : AMLO signs off on new law allowing free access to all beaches Prohibiting access could result in a fine of up to 1 million pesos Published on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 President López Obrador has signed into law a guarantee of free access and transit on beaches...
  6. mondone

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Nope, under 14'. You're good.
  7. mondone

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Two mile backup into Sonoyta right now
  8. mondone

    Now for the bad news
  9. mondone

    Now for the bad news

    Who's not on FB?! lol Here ya go- =AZWrH9UAlEt9Qr05dQ9vRgUfIzJqjmu9xT3qe6rvCLuaFpusJinRupWoQ8w3c6seiy5WPSPKPU5pC48N3Iuve66QOmB5OJ0OWvBAgFm0Bq3llzehIzLdV4vIIqSnQ6-q_kOo9u8IywKPPLPySGMAV1X-UO19gYeOO711l197gYCIAz3vqeWYnn6Gj6TPMI2AeAo&__tn__=-]C%2CP-R']CJ Miller shared a...
  10. mondone

    Now for the bad news

    Talk about bad news----> This is a true story, these are my friends. This happened just south of Rocky Point on the road to Mayan Palace. They were past the Mayan when it occurred.
  11. mondone

    HEADS UP: South of Gila Bend, MP5. DPS stating closure will be for 6 or more hours.
  12. mondone

    Covid-19 is mutating again??

    Multiple fatalities reported. Apparently passing vehicle hitting semi head on caused accident.
  13. mondone

    HEADS UP: South of Gila Bend, MP5. DPS stating closure will be for 6 or more hours.

    9/25/2020 HEAD ON COLLISION- multiple fatalities
  14. mondone

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile
  15. mondone

    Beware the Baywatch!
  16. mondone

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

  17. mondone

    Trip report Aug 8, 2020

    Reading from my weather station in Encanto right now. Heat Index=121.2° No thanks, I'll wait till mid-October!
  18. mondone

    Beware the Baywatch!

    Just Hired! Meet C.J. Espinoza:
  19. mondone

    Beware the Baywatch!
  20. mondone

    Looks like lock down will continue for awhile

    Alert on possible massive Covid-19 outbreak in Puerto Peñasco As a result of the tourist opening of the municipality PUERTO PEÑASCO. - The San Eduardo Clinic, through its Facebook account, warned «I see a massive outbreak coming in which we will not have the capacity to react, nor the spaces...