Search results

  1. M

    Phoenix Magazine Rocky Waters by Loren Loftus

    We have had a place at Sunriver(BendOr) for many years because we skied. When we moved to AZ, the kids begged us to keep it. So we make it a vacation Rental. It is 2 story. Christmas it snowed and I had to shovel the upstairs deck. Bella has an elevators. The wind on the 6th floor keeps...
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    Phoenix Magazine Rocky Waters by Loren Loftus Link to article
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    Which Resort(s) Rent the Best?

    A friend asked me to find an answer for her. They helped some grown children buy a condo in Rocky Point of few years ago. The idea was that they would get their loan back when the kids sold. They were told that now only the property manager can rent their condo and they will be paid 34%...
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    The Villages at Las Conchas

    Did anyone on this forum purchase there. I was the next lot to be built on but they used the money to complete the other homes they had started. I am aware of someone who trying to get something for all of us the paid for our house. Send me your email and I will contact you of line.
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    Phoenix Magazine Rocky Waters by Loren Loftus

    Again someone who knows nothing writes an article about having to to make a boring drive and then is required to present a passport to get into Mexico. Very negative article.
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    asu aofa game

    You think your teams are bad, we live in AZ and have had Season tickets to Oregon State for 40 years. Yes we still go. Hopefully every year will be better.
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    Travel Advisory??

    I am old! I was 50 when I bought my first place down there. I go in the day. I never come back on Sun or Monday. I have only one drink if I am going to be driving. My cell phone works both here and in Mexico.(verzion). I never carry large amounts of cash. Those are the same rules in use in...
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    Big Boy Trip!

    I am 70 and weigh 110. How in blazes could I ever catch a fish that big.
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    Ho travel warning...

    I am old. For many years we drove to Mazatlan for vacation. The last time was 3 years ago. I called on Ford and all their suppliers in Hermosillo. Never had a problem. Many of the companies I represented did not want their tech people to come with me. Never lost one. My dad was an...
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    Real Estate observations

    I know someone that had a one bedroom condo on Sandy Beach at one of the resorts. As the family grew the condo became to crowded and she knew they could not afford a two bedroom. They sold and bought a 2 bedroom in the mirador. I ran into her today and she told me it was the best move. It...
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    Legitimate Pharmacy Recomendation

    A few years ago, I tripped carrying boxes and really skinned up my leg. The front desk called a dr and gave me directions. The nurse cleaned up my knee and leg and the dr looked at it and asked when I had my last tetanus shot. Since I couldn't remember, he gave me another one. 15 min $8...
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    Legitimate Pharmacy Recomendation

    My dr. here has a place on Sandy Beach and he gets his at Walmart or Sams Club. One of my meds I have to take a sub. But it seems to work the same. It is my asthma med where I really save. $85 co pay here and $8 down there.
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    TapRoyal Buses

    I have taken the bus to Hermosilla many times when I was working down there. They were very clean and stopped at Santa Anna for a break.
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    Whales 2018

    No trouble loading it. Problem is that I am getting ready to go to Sunriver Or and be cold rather than heading for Penasco.
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    auto painting

    Didn't know that. Will try it.
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    auto painting

    That was 10 years ago and I could not find them again.
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    auto painting

    A few years ago I had someone keyed my Explorer up here in a parking lot. On this chat room I got the name of a body shop in Penasco. The did a great job on the red Explorer and it was very reasonable. Yesterday I bought a red 2017 Nissian Rogue with 6000 miles on it. There are 3 tiny key...
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    I use Seaside as my property manager so I can have things sent to their office in PHX and once a week they bring things down. I used to send them to Lukeville but if the package isn't picked up in a few days they send it back.
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    Which Resort(s) Rent the Best?

    I bought my first vacation rental at Mt Bachelor Village in Bend Or at 25. 1 bedroom with a murphy bed. We skied and went there in the summer for weekends. Did it pay for itself? NO. I have owned at Palm Springs, Sunriver Or, Green Valley and Penasco. Had 1 bed, 2 bedroom 4 bedroom. Did...
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    Which Resort(s) Rent the Best?

    I was in SoCa for Christmas and at dinner the topic of Penasco came up. All the friends and relatives love the beach and warm ocean but Hawaii has just gotten too expensive. They asked me about Rocky Point. One of them has rented my place before thru Seaside. Another guest told a story about...