Search results

  1. rockyptjoe

    Dr. Sidhartha Hindu? Anybody Heard of Him/Her?

    But...can the middle class afford these "offshore" medical treatments.....where their insurance will not cover it, or will cover very little?
  2. rockyptjoe

    Best Shrimp Cocktail (mexican style)

    Thanks my post-op appointment next week down in that area....will have to check it out. I may have eaten there a while back, but can't remember based on the name (senility). There is also a place on 24 St. just south of McD....but when a bunch of us went there for lunch, it was...
  3. rockyptjoe

    I Guess You Can't Go To See the Cardinals Anymore!

    hey gotta look at the smileys on the know, like .... :rofl: I know Bill....maybe not as well as some of the people on the Forum...but I do know him.....
  4. rockyptjoe

    Best Shrimp Cocktail (mexican style)

    How about a recommendation for a great Mexican style shrimp cocktail in the Phoenix area???? I've eaten at San Carlos Bay on McDowell/20 St. but haven't had a shrimp cocktail there..... My daughter is down from the Seattle area helping me out after my hip replacement surgery. We were hoping...
  5. rockyptjoe

    Sonoyta Bridge?

    I remember the road to Penasco back in the 80's....before they repaved it.....with several of the large dips, you could go airborne if you had enough speed!!!
  6. rockyptjoe

    Laguna Shores

    Fish & Stay with Spa Treatment The 1 BR units are 500 yards from the beach....the 2 BR units are "less than" 100 yards....per the ad....doesn't say anything about having to listen to a sales pitch....
  7. rockyptjoe

    A Joke...

    The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree... and think 25 to life would be appropriate. ---Jay Leno America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask. ---Jay Leno Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal? A: Order anything you like and...
  8. rockyptjoe

    I Guess You Can't Go To See the Cardinals Anymore! I really feel hurt....hurling "Jerry" type insults at me....and I thought we were friends! :rofl: I may have to "Block" you like I did Jerry and Kenny, the Mutt and Jeff of the libturd world (or it is Abbott & Costello???)!
  9. rockyptjoe

    I Guess You Can't Go To See the Cardinals Anymore! was a greek that got shot!:notme:
  10. rockyptjoe

    Sonoyta Bridge?

    Thanks Jack...but that doesn't tell me where it is located...there is something about a 45km ........if this is between Sonoita and San Luis, that could put a damper on going around if the bridge in Sonoita is not passable using the Sonoita to San Luis route and then the Coastal Highway from El...
  11. rockyptjoe

    Sonoyta Bridge?

    Just saw this post on FB....does anyone know which bridge they're talking about???? Periodico De Frente Debido a las lluvias, ayer viernes por la tarde se cayó un puente de los recién construidos en la carretera Sonoyta-San Luís R.C., esto sucedió a la altura del kilómetro 45 (mas o menos), por...
  12. rockyptjoe

    Rocky Point Crime: Are we there yet?

    Having been raised in New York City....traveling the subways for years....and also driving a taxi for a bit in Phoenix.....I am not particularly concerned with the occasional violence that may occur in Penasco, or in any other city, including in the US. My concern has always been shootouts...
  13. rockyptjoe

    Sonoyta Bridge?

    WunderMap® | Interactive Weather Map and Radar | Weather Underground Current Wundermap radar.....looks like a pretty big storm over the area...
  14. rockyptjoe

    Sonoyta Bridge?

    Posted on FB Google Translate Also saw this.... Karen Aldridge also posted several photos yesterday on FB...see #31 and #32 in the sequence......
  15. rockyptjoe

    Sonoyta Bridge?

    Are they still using the bypass? A friend was down last weekend, and said the detour took her by Vasquez liquors?????????
  16. rockyptjoe

    Mexican Health Insurance

    Who/where are the services provided? I have friends (Mexican national) who would go to Obregon to get any significant medical care....
  17. rockyptjoe

    August in Peñasco, are there any people there?

    It looks like we've all turned into wusses!! Used to Playa Bonita for a week at a time during June, July, and August...with no air conditioning...the only "cooling" was to sit (or lie down) in the shade up by the office midday (even take a siesta on the benches), and get...
  18. rockyptjoe

    August in Peñasco, are there any people there?

    They probably don't have the same type of heat load (all that glass) that the condos have....and they conserve.....especially when it comes to opening and closing those big sliding glass doors that you have at condos!!!
  19. rockyptjoe

    2-Stroke Sea-Doos

    None I know of in can still use 2 strokes in the US on the major lakes.....if they meet the CARB 2006(?) requirement.... which many of the fuel injected ones do...although I saw that the states/EPA were cracking down on the useage ....AGAIN.........but not on 2 stroke outboards!!
  20. rockyptjoe

    August in Peñasco, are there any people there?

    It was always fun in August trying to find a small cold stream underwater when getting a dip at the beach!