If I invested the $1000 dollars I spent on a new Sony Betamax back then in the just offers Google stock I would have a 1 million dollar flash roll today. I could of bought 4 of us one way trips to see the Titanic
I was thinking if the Feds used the Hunter Biden Felony for Coke heads owning firearms conviction standard widely half a average Roger Clyne crowd would now have a felony.
Shit TJ that sounds like that sweet spot between terror and fun I always seek out!
You turn off at Libertad so it might be doable but Id just go through Caborca
Avoid Florida….my friends frame and stucco shit box in a sea of frame and stucco shit boxes surrounded by a traffic jam now faced $7000 insurance bill that doesn't cover flooding.
Remember when you followers of a certain soon to be jail bird predicted the border invasion after 42 ended? You pretty much dont know jack.
We need these people ! Mexico is actually doing fairly well….turn off Fox
Jim voluteers to actually work a real job ! Thank you for your service.
Being a guy who worked every summer at the family Cherry Orchard and 10 acres of Asparagus field in western Michigan ….hard pass from me!
Well he was a master ….sad day
BREAKING NEWS: Cormac McCarthy, a preeminent voice in American literature over the better part of the past half-century, died today at his home in Santa Fe, N.M., his publisher, Knopf, confirmed. He was 89
When you see that SQ mile of new cleared ground next to the new giant solar array and all the huge new power lines by the Mayan /Airport it looks like the fix is it……except Hobbs won . She and Mayes hate the idea privately.