BoomerFest Update

I remember when they first came down and started grading it was to the Left they had a bunch of PVC markers set up on the beach.


Think I had my wallet lifted from out camp site in 1973 where the Vip tents are for Boomer fest.If anyone finds it please return my half burnt draft card and do not eat the Purple barrel of LSD


El Pirata
whacha talking about patrick, all quality people, my lord you guys are as kind as you are wise...bamboozeled Huh, maybe!


Just was at Northwest Fest on the river in Portland this weekend....great bands none of us most likely ( me for sure) have ever heard of and it was eye opening.I really worry ( I know I always worry) that hydration issues may cause some serious problems.All kinds of people passed out in Portland due to not enough Hydration stations and they had eight.How many does Boomerfest have on the map?
Do the beer and wine garden's count? :)
If the BF happens, there will be More than a few very hydrated people passing out.:eek:
Good point Jerry, it will be very warm and sunny on SB during that time and I hope there are water stations a plenty!
Is this for real? This BoomerFest event in Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco)? Has anybody ever been to a BoomerFest any where? It seems on the sketchy side to me, the tickets are very high priced, there are no sponsers, no phone numbers, tents on the beach with 4 twin beds? Really, how is this possible to do in Rocky Point? Any info on this subject would be greatly appreciated!!