A "snob"....*ZING*....boy you got me there!!! I better go run and hide from your witty banter.
What do yo mean "overboard for the Thunder on the Beach"? Are you talking about sprint car race I was critical about when they were promoting 100 race cars are going to show up and less then 10 actually did? And shark fin soup, which for the record is a disgusting practice which is destroying shark populations world wide. Are you seriously going back and searching all my past posts so that you can have a come back??? That's pretty sad and pathetic that you have some much time on your hand.
The fact of the matter is, Boomerfest has all makings of a disaster that will only give another black eye to Rocky Point. So I'm curious why you keep posting childish attacks against people critical of this event? You bring nothing to the table to prove us wrong with our observations. At best this festival, if it actually happens, is going to be no where near what it is being billed at. And at worst, its a scam, that is going to leave ticket holders and people in Rocky Point holding the bag.