Puerto Penasco Home Port


I did not look it up but does it mean a crooked penis
That's it. Peyronies Disease. An ex co-worker of mine used to have his assistant pick up his medication for him. We looked up to see what the medicine was for and Holy Peyronies! Last time we snoop!!!! Who wants to know that about a co-worker!!!!!


The Cerro Prieto himself that he became famous June 10, 1993 when he visited the then president Carlos Salinas de Gortari republic to declare Biosphere Reserve Pinacate, the same where the president and companions, including Luis Donaldo Colosio, the then Secretary of Sedue, Manlio Fabio Beltrones governors of Sonora and Ernesto Ruffo Appel of Baja California, among other important personalities protection of ecology, that same hill today is being destroyed to remove stone material for the construction of the breakwater which will be the Home Port.

This "Prieto" hill sits in reserve, perhaps not in the core area, but if the buffer was chosen for the construction company to remove stone and gravel to haul it to Sandi Beach where they carried out the construction of the breakwater, however it is not the fault of the builder is the fact that looting the hill, but federal authorities are permitted.


Estero that is bad news...what is a Beltran enforcer doing in this deal? Any of you real estate dipshits have any insights?
Well Jerry, am not in real estate and if I give you the insight I'll find myself in the outside, you know, you say potato I say papa!!!


Sounds like they blasted the rocks to smithereens....40,000 cubic meters of rock blasted and the rocks from the blast are smaller than the specs for the smallest rocks needed?!? What's up with that?


300 tons of explosives!?? 600,000 pounds of explosives!?? A wee bit much don't you think? No surprise there wasn't a rock left big enough to use. Oh well, at least they have a shitload of gravel for the new roads!


Oh well, at least they have a shitload of gravel for the new roads!
Speaking of which... I went out there the other day and noticed the road still isn't paved. Is this going to happen anytime soon? It would be very Mexico to have a new cruise terminal with a dirt road leading to it.