Protest meeting in Penasco on electric tariffs


El Movimiento Social por Peñasco que busca que se logre la tarifa 1-F para este municipio anuncia que buscaran acercamiento con autoridades municipales y de CFE para que se tomen medidas rápidas para una solución a los altos costos de electricidad. En caso de no lograrse en un plazo de 15 días se tomarían medidas mas extremas como el bloqueo de cajeros de CFE hasta que se escuchen los reclamos.

Se tiene prevista una nueva reunión para la tarde de hoy en punto de las 6:00 pm en Plaza a la Madre donde se invita a toda la comunidad a participar.
The Social movement by Crag that seeks to achieve is the rate 1-F for this municipality announces that they seek approach with municipal authorities and CFE to take quick steps to a solution to the high cost of electricity. If not achieved in a period of 15 days measures would be taken more extreme as the CFE ATM lock until the claims are heard.
A new meeting is slated for this afternoon in point 6:00 pm, in Plaza the mother where the entire community is invited to participate. (Translated by Bing)
See Translation


Below is a link to a recent article in rockypoint360 regarding this topic. For those that own in Penasco, it may be beneficial to all if one would provide a copy of their CFE bills to the group attempting to lower our utility costs...
It's definitely a good cause. But foreigners, whether they own property or not do not have the right to participate in political protests of any kind in Mexico. There's a fine line here that I'm not sure should be crossed. I wouldn't want an electric bill with my name on it circulating throughout the protests or being presented as part of a petition to CFE.


It's definitely a good cause. But foreigners, whether they own property or not do not have the right to participate in political protests of any kind in Mexico. There's a fine line here that I'm not sure should be crossed. I wouldn't want an electric bill with my name on it circulating throughout the protests or being presented as part of a petition to CFE.

Yep, now thats real good advice. It is , I believe, not legal for foreigners from any country to engage in political activity of any kind in Mexico. Dry you can check this out.


The rate increase is a big issue. For example, a small house with give or take the same electrical consumption for the last 6 months has gone from under a 1,000 pesos for 2 months to just over 7,000 pesos today. :eek:


The rate increase is a big issue. For example, a small house with give or take the same electrical consumption for the last 6 months has gone from under a 1,000 pesos for 2 months to just over 7,000 pesos today. :eek:
I must be reading this wrong. You're saying their proposing a 700% rate increase?


No not proposing, the rate increase is already in effect. The example I gave was the electric bill for one of my employees homes.


That's unbelievable! Electricity will be too expensive for the average family to afford. I see why everybody is protesting. If not overturned, this will change many lives. A big step back in time.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
Am I wrong in understanding that the protest is to lower the tariffa from 1E to 1F? The reading have been taken from an area that did not reflect how hot it actually is in penasco. if the protest is successful and the tariffa is changed to 1F, we should all experience a lower utility bill (ie. we are already paying the higher tariffa since we are classified in the 1E category.

please correct if I am wrong.


Anyone notice anything different on their electric bill yet? Just got mine and we're still in the 1E category, but the bill was actually less than it was last year.


Starts next month I heard.The guy who started the movement just quit because it was turning political...attacking the major