As of January 16, 2014
Benito Juarez (Route 8 from Sonoita) is closed from the second light coming into town at the Santa Fe/Bodega intersection all the way to No Reeleccion where the Baseball Stadium is located.
Samuel Ocana is now under construction. This is the first light coming into Penasco. The westbound lane (toward Sandy Beach) is as of 1/16 stripped of pavement and closed half way to Constitution. The eastbound lane now carries traffic in both directions. Ocana is in VERY bad condition all the way to the RR tracks, past Constitution. Avoid it if you can
Alt. routes:
To Sandy Beach coming from Sonoita go right at the big intersection outside of town, toward Laguna del Mar/Laguna Shores. Cross the RR track and take a left. You will avoid town traffic completely on this route. This takes you to the traffic circle, Pemex and Circle K then on Blvd Costa Diamante to all Sandy Beach destinations from Playa Bonita to The Reef Rv park and Cholla Bay. Samuel Ocana also ends at this circle but... read below.
To Old Port, Las Conchas and Mirador
You can turn either right or left at the traffic light just past the Santa Fe Market and Bodega/Walmart, at the intersection of Benito Juarez and Lopez Portillo where the street is blocked off.
If you turn right you can go about 8 blocks a dirt street, Av. Ninos and Heros,there you can turn left , go about 6 blocks on the dirt road terminating at No Reeleccion, then left to Benito Juarez at the BB stadium. On this route you will cross the paved street Revolucion but due to construction it is blocked at Benito Juarez so do not turn left there. If you turn right on Revolucion you could go the 8 blocks on pavement to the next paved street, Constitution, then left all the way to Benito Juarez. You will pass Super Ley on this route. Either alternative will put you back on Benito Juarez south of the construction zone.
If you turn LEFT where the construction zone on Benito Juarez starts you can go to the first stop sign at Blvd Josefa, turn right an go all the way to Fremont at the entrance to Las Conchas. A right turn here will take you to the Mirador and Old Port. Josefa is a busy street but paved all the way and pretty rough but not as bad as Ocana. If you turn right off Josefa at any of the traffic lights you will go to Benito Juarez south of the construction zone.
If you can follow all that you're agood navigator !!

The potholes are in generous supply on most of the roads so watch carefully.
Benito Juarez (Route 8 from Sonoita) is closed from the second light coming into town at the Santa Fe/Bodega intersection all the way to No Reeleccion where the Baseball Stadium is located.
Samuel Ocana is now under construction. This is the first light coming into Penasco. The westbound lane (toward Sandy Beach) is as of 1/16 stripped of pavement and closed half way to Constitution. The eastbound lane now carries traffic in both directions. Ocana is in VERY bad condition all the way to the RR tracks, past Constitution. Avoid it if you can
Alt. routes:
To Sandy Beach coming from Sonoita go right at the big intersection outside of town, toward Laguna del Mar/Laguna Shores. Cross the RR track and take a left. You will avoid town traffic completely on this route. This takes you to the traffic circle, Pemex and Circle K then on Blvd Costa Diamante to all Sandy Beach destinations from Playa Bonita to The Reef Rv park and Cholla Bay. Samuel Ocana also ends at this circle but... read below.
To Old Port, Las Conchas and Mirador
You can turn either right or left at the traffic light just past the Santa Fe Market and Bodega/Walmart, at the intersection of Benito Juarez and Lopez Portillo where the street is blocked off.
If you turn right you can go about 8 blocks a dirt street, Av. Ninos and Heros,there you can turn left , go about 6 blocks on the dirt road terminating at No Reeleccion, then left to Benito Juarez at the BB stadium. On this route you will cross the paved street Revolucion but due to construction it is blocked at Benito Juarez so do not turn left there. If you turn right on Revolucion you could go the 8 blocks on pavement to the next paved street, Constitution, then left all the way to Benito Juarez. You will pass Super Ley on this route. Either alternative will put you back on Benito Juarez south of the construction zone.
If you turn LEFT where the construction zone on Benito Juarez starts you can go to the first stop sign at Blvd Josefa, turn right an go all the way to Fremont at the entrance to Las Conchas. A right turn here will take you to the Mirador and Old Port. Josefa is a busy street but paved all the way and pretty rough but not as bad as Ocana. If you turn right off Josefa at any of the traffic lights you will go to Benito Juarez south of the construction zone.
If you can follow all that you're agood navigator !!
The potholes are in generous supply on most of the roads so watch carefully.