Life was much simpler back then
The problems we had were only those we saw
and the entirety of mankind had yet to meld together
it had yet to become that one body
that which we are now
one magnificent crowd
that has joined together intelligence
obtaining new knowledge
in new ways
in faster ways
setting simplicity on a new standard
raising complexity on a pedestal
and making progress priority
and technology into God
Life has become the drive to continue on
To be greater than the day before
For oneself and for others
Advancements have achieved new heights
And technology has opened new doors
Providing aide to the needy
Prosthetic limbs
Synthetic vision
and it has made the lives of many, easier
comfort to the uncomfortable
and assistance to the lazy
and help for the unworthy
Life has become the drive to create easy life
To create simplicity through complexity
Building technology
Intricate machinery with one button to start it
And one button to stop it
and none to explain it
because it is automatic
technology is automatic
and with every coming day
it becomes more a part of us
and more ingrained into us
in our lifestyles and inside us, literally
automating us
making us a part of the optimizing culture
perfecting and expanding
and mass producing
but is perfection a virtue?
it is supposed to be impossible
and has never been questioned
for its impracticality
but if perfection is reachable
if godhood is within us
in human potential
and unlockable through progress
than who is to say no
to the vast possibilities?
And who is to say no
To the idea of becoming God?
Becoming progress itself
Who is to say no to this?
And who is to blame for it?
When things go wrong
When our ambitions get the best of us
And turn on us
Who is to blame?
Progress is potential
And potential is achievement and disaster
Held in the same hand
Engaged in mortal combat
And when one overcomes the other
Potential becomes result
And we advance or fall
We reap what we sow
we are the cause of our actions
and every action tips us over the edge
of the cliff of eternity
from which we may fall into hell
or fly to heaven
Joshua Lee