Cruise Ships



MRF312.jpgI got this in my inbox the other day about Holland America cruises from San Diego. I wonder how these towns have fared being ports of call?

Being a home port is different though, as Pinky said. Yes, there'd be congestion and mayhem on the arrival/departure days. But I can understand why "The local business interests I believe only see $" Many people arrive in the home port town at least one day before so as not to miss the cruise if there are any travel mishaps. That's a LOT of hotel rooms. And souvenirs purchased, and meals and drinks enjoyed. There'd also be parking fees for those who drive in and taxi fares for those who'd fly in. This cruise returns at 7am so my guess is that people hang out a while, if not an extra night, when they return. It probably has more income potential than being a port of call, where some people shop and others might beach and others go on excursions.

Unfortunately, this might be the price of "progress". We might be moving closer to Jerry and Santo Tomas after all ;)


El Pirata
Right on, this is a pipe dream, IF a cruse ship were to bring a load of cruser's to PP and the cruser's saw that there was NOTHING to warrant the fee they paid for this "port of call", and demanded a refund, good luck with that, that would be the last time ANY cruse ship would even think of going to PP, and the result would be MORE bad press for PP, which = less people would come to PP, the "word" would spread like wild fire, hence more "condo skeletons" type of irrepairable damage done to PP,
Pretty sure the cruise ships aren't banking on Kelney. Kenny & cin to fill their ships, 3 washed up pessimists with no future but to look back and say, man when I ran around Pto. Penasco I was the King, stay on the poor-ch dogs. We won't miss you. LOL!!!
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pretty sure the cruise ships aren't banking on kelney. Kenny & cin to fill their ships, 3 washed up pessimists with no future but to look back say man when i ran around pto. Penasco i was the king, stay on the poor-ch dogs. We won't miss you. Lol!!!
1 2 3 bravo ! Very well said, lol


1 2 3 bravo ! Very well said, lol
the sad thing is why boosters like Perro have such bad taste...must the future always look like crap,work like crap and be bigger and louder?When you build stuff like that you just attract knuckleheads.Build small,build efficient,create relaxing boutique destinations along the coastal highway and only look at Puerto Penasco in your rear view mirrior is another idea.


El Pirata
Yes Jerry, if you choose that lifestyle, loners with no one around, kind of reminds me of the movie "THE ROAD"! Hey, as you can see your area is boom-ing.
Our time living on an island in the Caribbean showed me that being a port of call is not as lucrative for the local businesses as it might seem. The cruise ship keeps the bulk of the money from organized tours. Some passengers will get off and take a taxi to town or to a beach, but many will stick to ship-organized outings. It would seem that being a home port would be different for the reasons stated earlier - hotel rooms, meals prior to and following cruises, taxis, etc. I am certainly hoping this is the case, since there will be a downside in the way of congestion and traffic and......


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the sad thing is why boosters like Perro have such bad taste...must the future always look like crap,work like crap and be bigger and louder?When you build stuff like that you just attract knuckleheads.Build small,build efficient,create relaxing boutique destinations along the coastal highway and only look at Puerto Penasco in your rear view mirrior is another idea.
Well said, a toast to you


I think the major selling point to take a cruise starting in Penasco is the proximity to Phoenix and Tucson. It makes perfect sense to expect that tour busses will arrive with the majority of the passengers rather than arrival by personal vehicle or by air. A $500 cruise with a $500 airfare is tough to take. They will probably arrive close to the appoint departure hour selected to accomodate a reasonable bus schedule and to save hotel costs for participants, a good selling point to sell the cruise. Given that it will attract people of simple means wanting an inexpensive vacation. If this is the case, arrivals and departures will be tightly scheduled and allow little time for in town excursions. Get on the bus in Phenix at 7 am, arrive at the ship at noon and depart by 2pm. I cannot see it as a 'luxury' cruise of wealthy folk. Middle class and retirees would be my guess.

Bus arrivals will reduce congestion and parking problems here. I continue to hope that the major benefit will be to the people of Penasco in the form of jobs. There will be some spillover as some folks will return on their own but I would not expect a huge impact here either. Every little bit helps.


Still Roberto if you had just say built a new house in Cholla Bay or owned a condo that wasn't a rental your quality of life will go down from this thing.Add to that the unknown extent of problems the enviromental issues create and the importation of lower wage workers from Southern Mexico for the new jobs (as happened in the condo boom) and you end up with the perfec"sh*t" storm.Shakey power grid,water shortages,low wages,more congestion and traffic jambs.


User is currently banned
Pretty sure the cruise ships aren't banking on Kelney. Kenny & cin to fill their ships, 3 washed up pessimists with no future but to look back and say, man when I ran around Pto. Penasco I was the King, stay on the poor-ch dogs. We won't miss you. LOL!!!
playa, Code R x 4 = 4 x R = You


Pretty sure the cruise ships aren't banking on Kelney. Kenny & cin to fill their ships, 3 washed up pessimists with no future but to look back and say, man when I ran around Pto. Penasco I was the King, stay on the poor-ch dogs. We won't miss you. LOL!!!
the Three Washed Up Pessimists South beaches shore fishing meetup will happen sometime in late may.....all are welcome


User is currently banned
Me too ........ Kenny just pm'd me ....... he's in too, but he says he's scared, thats why he's hiding from perro,


Still Roberto if you had just say built a new house in Cholla Bay or owned a condo that wasn't a rental your quality of life will go down from this thing.Add to that the unknown extent of problems the enviromental issues create and the importation of lower wage workers from Southern Mexico for the new jobs (as happened in the condo boom) and you end up with the perfec"sh*t" storm.Shakey power grid,water shortages,low wages,more congestion and traffic jambs.
What you say is probably true amigo but there is little to be done about it, except to study Zhuangzi more:
Man made knowledge , morality and laws all work against nature.

As you said earlier, move down the coast a bit or up the coast. There are lots of nice locations left.

Think about all the recent disasters with the big cruise boats. Think about the coring platform being tipped over off Sandy Beach. Think about the incredible conditions is the Sea of Cortez with a very high tide coincidental with a strong windstorm. Think about that Triumph ship breaking loose from the dock. Think Fiesta Cruiser on a larger scale. That's a scenerior that would concern me if I were involved with the operation. I would guess that none of the operators have functioned in these extrememe circumstances. From what I have seen there is no protected harbor planned.


Jumbo puke bags for all cruise passengers! Roberto when you leaving?
What you say is probably true amigo but there is little to be done about it, except to study Zhuangzi more:
Man made knowledge , morality and laws all work against nature.

As you said earlier, move down the coast a bit or up the coast. There are lots of nice locations left.

Think about all the recent disasters with the big cruise boats. Think about the coring platform being tipped over off Sandy Beach. Think about the incredible conditions is the Sea of Cortez with a very high tide coincidental with a strong windstorm. Think about that Triumph ship breaking loose from the dock. Think Fiesta Cruiser on a larger scale. That's a scenerior that would concern me if I were involved with the operation. I would guess that none of the operators have functioned in these extrememe circumstances. From what I have seen there is no protected harbor planned.


El Pirata
All man made errors Roberto...Hey anyone know where I can pick up some snake wine in Pto. Penascosnake wine.jpg looks like they killed a prehistoric shark in Santa Clara this morning!pre shark.jpg
Hey, maybe if this goes like some of the incidents described here, Sandy Beach could have a nice BIG dive wreck to attract new people to the area. LOL.
I am really glad I have a mountain (comp hill) to block my view of this fiasco. I really like Wrecked on the Reef and the small part of Sandy Beach that is still
usable for camping.
We can only hope this isn't profitable, quickly disappears and the terminal becomes a new marina for sport fishing berths.
That will excite all the fishing people here and then I can really piss my wife off and get a 30ft money burner.