Moore Sez: there are numerous valid hypotheses that only require the appropriate level of technology, understanding, and/or discovery to prove, or to dis-prove.
I suggest that in order to be an hypotheses, it must be testable, otherwise it's a thought, an idea.
Careful- there is an elemental, yet subtle difference between a hypothesis and a theory. Nothing I presented above is "untestable" - it is simply that the tools/techniques required to perform the test are not well enough developed. Therefore, they are hypotheses until the process of testing "promotes" them into theories...
a Hypothesis is, by its very nature, a philosophical construct. A theory is empirical, and based exclusively on data (derived from testing)
The Higgs Boson existed in a hypothetical state for 2 years in the 50's until the calculus was developed to formulate a theory. and all of this took place 40 years before our sophistication reached the point that we could develop the LHC to "discover" it.
However, it is equally valid that the Higgs Boson NEVER existed at all until the LHC data "discovered" it into existence. In the Quantum world there is no "proof" that the act of observation itself does not influence the outcome.
Either way, the LHC is regarded as a tool of discovery, and others even more sophisticated will follow, unless you believe mankind has reached the zenith of our learning and technological potential.
Also you should be aware that human intelligence does not exist other than as a fig newton of mankind's imagination and used expressly to control and dominate our fellow man.
Well, I could counter that point of view with the names Einstein, Sagan, and Hawking.... 3 socially meager men who demonstrated more of a tendency to "influence" than to "control" the popular mindset.
None were ashamed, embarrassed, nor afraid to share their studies (and their viewpoints) with the remainder of humanity, and yet none ever rose to the prominence of an Emperor or King...
In fact, the ambition to be King is a product moreso of hubris than intelligence, and hubris is a morally inferior attribute of human character.
I do believe in alternative realities, dimensions, if you will. I am certain I experienced one at about the age of 9 or so but was talked out of it by adults who knew better what was possible. And no I was not institutionalized, or lionized, for that experience. I also thought I saw the face of Jesus in a tortilla one time, but that too passed with no consequence.
Yeah, that Jesus was a pretty cool dude. Yet another one (like the 3 above) who was presented with the temptation of Kingly power over mankind and said "No thanks" .... and yet, here we are 2000 years later and people actively PRAY to him to Lord over them as a King... I never understood that.
Reality is a fascinating trip through shared experience, occasionally shattered by a giant rock falling out of the sky like a huge, red "RESET" button...
Enjoy the ride while it lasts...