Dolphin asking for help.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Thanks Roberto, now I gotta go get a towel to dry my keyboard. No one can convince me that God does not exist.....


Stay Thirsty My Friends
In fact, there is a reason the theoretical Higgs Boson was referred to by Science as the "God Particle"

and the Higgs Boson was probably found last summer by Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider in Europe.

Science inches ever closer to understanding how (and why) human intelligence came into being; and it does not appear to be a random accident of nature.

Cogito ergo sum, my young friend... Understand where you came from, and you will better understand where you should dream of going...

AZ Miguel

Never mind:popcorn:
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Now, now, we all know that She moves in ways unfathomable to man. Oh ye of little faith !! The Buddha makes a lot more sense !!


Stay Thirsty My Friends
True, real scientific inquiry cannot affirm the Null Hypothesis under any circumstances.
However, there are numerous valid hypotheses that only require the appropriate level of technology, understanding, and/or discovery to prove, or to dis-prove:

1) Humans are the only religious (or self aware) creatures on this planet.
2) Humans are the only religious (or self aware) creatures currently residing in the known Universe.
3) Humans are the only religious (or self aware) creatures EVER to reside in the Universe.
4) This Universe is the ONLY Universe in existence (or ever to exist).
5) Humans are the only religious (or self aware) creatures ever to populate ANY Universe, ever.

These are all valid hypotheses, but unfortunately none of them can be tested out to a true/false condition experimentally (yet).

BUT - the question can be asked:

"If we are made of the same matter as stars, planets, and other materials of Universal origin (carbon, water, sodium, and various other sundry rare elements), then HOW does the combination of these elements arrange itself in such a matter that the Universe can create these beings (humans) who are capable of understanding what the stars in the sky really are...?"

Where science falls short, we have little more than Philosophy to fill the void, and all religion is mainly philosophy, buttressed by a certain degree of coercion.

Human intelligence is little more than the mechanism the Universe uses to learn about itself. (This is also a philosophy, but not a testable hypothesis... :) )


Moore Sez: there are numerous valid hypotheses that only require the appropriate level of technology, understanding, and/or discovery to prove, or to dis-prove.

I suggest that in order to be an hypotheses, it must be testable, otherwise it's a thought, an idea.

I am fascinated with the thought that I may, in part, be composed of carbon from dinosaur ****. Carbon, being an element, never changes form and is incorporated into living matter over and over. Quite an exciting idea really. Or maybe even carbon from some luscious nubian princess, now there's a thought !! In your case, Moore, I suspect you would choose so form of sea dwelling creature.

Also you should be aware that human intelligence does not exist other than as a fig newton of mankind's imagination and used expressly to control and dominate our fellow man.

I do believe in alternative realities, dimensions, if you will. I am certain I experienced one at about the age of 9 or so but was talked out of it by adults who knew better what was possible. And no I was not institutionalized, or lionized, for that experience. I also thought I saw the face of Jesus in a tortilla one time, but that too passed with no consequence.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Science is incapable of proving that there is no God, Ace....

Obviously, slugger... but science does disprove a lot of bullshit you are fed in religion that is to be taken as fact. Is it possible Mary conceived a child without having sex? Humans have had the need to worship something since God created the heavens and the earth in 7 days, or in a science week, 400 million years. Aztecs worship the sun as a God and sacrificed humans because they believed the sun wouldn't rise again if they didn't. Now obviously we're not here arguing the sun is a god. People in India believe Catfish are Gods, in America we eat them. Religion is a way to control people. The Spanish used Catholicism to convert Indians only so they could become citizens of the empire before being cast into debt peonage. That's what makes religion so powerful, science can't disprove it and religion can't prove it but this is when the hammer gets dropped and religion wins with, "... just have faith...", religion wins the argument with just have faith.

How's that Shooter?

Also btw, baptized, first communion, first reconciliation, confirmed into the church, went to RE once a week from kindergarden to age 16, was an alter boy for a couple of years when I was younger. Religion is a sham. The hardest part for me is being torn between believing in what you have been taught and now knowing for yourself what is real and not real. Wait hold on a second.......................................

Ok sorry Im back, I had to do a SNOW DANCE to appease the Gods so Flagstaff could get some snow, obviously it has nothing to do with el nino, the jetstream, the pacific, cold wet air from the arctic, weather patterns, ocean temps, ocean currents.....


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Moore Sez: there are numerous valid hypotheses that only require the appropriate level of technology, understanding, and/or discovery to prove, or to dis-prove.

I suggest that in order to be an hypotheses, it must be testable, otherwise it's a thought, an idea.
Careful- there is an elemental, yet subtle difference between a hypothesis and a theory. Nothing I presented above is "untestable" - it is simply that the tools/techniques required to perform the test are not well enough developed. Therefore, they are hypotheses until the process of testing "promotes" them into theories...

a Hypothesis is, by its very nature, a philosophical construct. A theory is empirical, and based exclusively on data (derived from testing)

The Higgs Boson existed in a hypothetical state for 2 years in the 50's until the calculus was developed to formulate a theory. and all of this took place 40 years before our sophistication reached the point that we could develop the LHC to "discover" it.

However, it is equally valid that the Higgs Boson NEVER existed at all until the LHC data "discovered" it into existence. In the Quantum world there is no "proof" that the act of observation itself does not influence the outcome.

Either way, the LHC is regarded as a tool of discovery, and others even more sophisticated will follow, unless you believe mankind has reached the zenith of our learning and technological potential.

Also you should be aware that human intelligence does not exist other than as a fig newton of mankind's imagination and used expressly to control and dominate our fellow man.
Well, I could counter that point of view with the names Einstein, Sagan, and Hawking.... 3 socially meager men who demonstrated more of a tendency to "influence" than to "control" the popular mindset.

None were ashamed, embarrassed, nor afraid to share their studies (and their viewpoints) with the remainder of humanity, and yet none ever rose to the prominence of an Emperor or King...

In fact, the ambition to be King is a product moreso of hubris than intelligence, and hubris is a morally inferior attribute of human character.

I do believe in alternative realities, dimensions, if you will. I am certain I experienced one at about the age of 9 or so but was talked out of it by adults who knew better what was possible. And no I was not institutionalized, or lionized, for that experience. I also thought I saw the face of Jesus in a tortilla one time, but that too passed with no consequence.
Yeah, that Jesus was a pretty cool dude. Yet another one (like the 3 above) who was presented with the temptation of Kingly power over mankind and said "No thanks" .... and yet, here we are 2000 years later and people actively PRAY to him to Lord over them as a King... I never understood that.

Reality is a fascinating trip through shared experience, occasionally shattered by a giant rock falling out of the sky like a huge, red "RESET" button...

Enjoy the ride while it lasts...


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Religion is a way to control people. The Spanish used Catholicism to convert Indians only so they could become citizens of the empire before being cast into debt peonage. That's what makes religion so powerful, science can't disprove it and religion can't prove it but this is when the hammer gets dropped and religion wins with, "... just have faith...", religion wins the argument with just have faith.

How's that Shooter?

I can't disagree, Champ...

However, I (personally) draw a huge line of distinction between faith and religion.

Faith is (to me) much more rational than religion.

Chew on that for a while, Sport.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
The Spanish used Catholicism to convert Indians only so they could become citizens of the empire before being cast into debt peonage.

When the missionaries came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, 'Let us close our eyes and pray.' When we opened them back up, we had the Bible, and they had the land.
-Desmond Tutu
How do you like that one, Chief?


It all just proves that Dolphins are the only sentient being that has decided to give up a humanoid form and all the bull that goes along with it. I've been trying to join up but have not gotten to that level of acceptance. Can't swim that well either!!

Moore Sez: These are all valid hypotheses, but unfortunately none of them can be tested out to a true/false condition experimentally (yet).

1) Humans are the only religious (or self aware) creatures on this planet.
2) Humans are the only religious (or self aware) creatures currently residing in the known Universe.
3) Humans are the only religious (or self aware) creatures EVER to reside in the Universe.
4) This Universe is the ONLY Universe in existence (or ever to exist).
5) Humans are the only religious (or self aware) creatures ever to populate ANY Universe, ever.

You have a lot to learn. Get out your stat and design books and study a bit. Modern science does not test True/False.
Not one of your statements as framed, is or ever will be testable, at least according to the tenants of modern science today. It has nothing ot do with technology, it's the process. It is and always will be impossible to prove that something does or does not exist. You can stastitically demonstrate that there is either a high or a low probability of the relationship between two factors, nothing more. You accept or reject the null hypothesis based on your faith in statistics and probability theory.

Furthermore I believe my friend JOse Ray Lauriano who has passed over contriubuted more to the experience of being human than any of the folk you mention.

I also believe I looked pretty goon in the 70's and here's a photo to show how good! I had leather pants that matched the hat too !!


I saw the video of the dolphins, I believe the video is of an actual event and my interpretation is that the dolphin deliberately assoicated itself with the humans and that association was for the purpose of requesting assistance. Nuff said. Nothing testable there. It's all faith based. (He says with Gregorian Chants in the background)


Stay Thirsty My Friends
You have a lot to learn. Get out your stat and design books and study a bit. Modern science does not test True/False.

Not one of your statements as framed, is or ever will be testable, at least according to the tenants of modern science today. It has nothing ot do with technology, it's the process.

It is and always will be impossible to prove that something does or does not exist. You can stastitically demonstrate that there is either a high or a low probability of the relationship between two factors, nothing more. You accept or reject the null hypothesis based on your faith in statistics and probability theory.

Furthermore I believe my friend JOse Ray Lauriano who has passed over contriubuted more to the experience of being human than any of the folk you mention.

Yeah, whatever.... a non-sequitor argument that formulates an unverifiable conclusion- aka: the Empty Strawman. The most common debate tactic ever employed to shift the focus of the discussion away from the topic, and onto the participant.

"true/false" are merely buzzwords that describe the likelihood of a binary, holographic Universe. You focus on the terminology, while the premise flies past your cognition-

Again- Cogito Ergo Sum. The premise that the self aware being can somehow "not exist" in an empirical (and testable) sense is too existential to be practical, and it only demonstrates once again that existentialism is too hamstrung by vocabulary to be an effective philosophical basis.

You choose to lean on faith in behaviorism to describe reality (which is probably why statistics and design would seem relevant to you); while I choose to lean on faith in empirical measurement and data (which may or may not prove reality to be factual)

I'll take my chances on reality being what I perceive it to be...

You go right ahead and keep studying my behavior, and thinking that you can use it to teach me a lesson about myself -Just don't get torqued when I refuse to take a seat in the student's chair...

I believe (take faith in) what I believe I understand. Any additional layers of cognitive abstraction (especially coming from a head-shrink) makes me suspicious of the encroachment of personal agenda, or hubris.

I haven't got enough emotional capital available to care whether you believe what I do (or don't) understand.

To me, statistics is nothing but a powerful tool that hubris uses to corrupt your mind into believing that you are wrong exclusively because you think differently than everyone else. This does nothing to change my impression that anyone who is not a member of Mensa is an idiot (purely in a relative sense, mind you)

I guess you'll just have to choose whether to forgive me (or not) for keeping my faith with the likes of Descartes, Einstein, Sagan, and Hawking, rather than with you and Jose Ray Lauriano (whoever the hell that is...)

Enjoy your weekend.... If you should happen to encounter another alternate dimension experience, I hope you don't get lost... unless you think such an experience would be enjoyable; in which case I hope you DO get lost... whatever floats your boat.