What can I expect to catch in December


What someone marked as Estero La Pinta parking and fishing on the map is inaccurate. The site marked is San Jorge. Follow the beach up into the estuary you will see one structure where a road ends. That is Gillespie's old abandoned hacienda and the road in from the highway. Notice how there is a narrow channel along the beach on the map. There is a real good flow there as the tide changes. That's where you will come in to using the earlier directions of the abandoned house and the place to fish from, not San Jorge. There is or was a gate at the entrance to San Jorge and people living in a house at the entrance. There are a lot more houses there and that big old complex that they used to run the boat tours out of. The belly dancers ! Couldn't figure out how to fix it.
Thanks Roberto. I moved those markers, did I move them to the right place?

Thanks to the others that identified the spit.


They get some good size flounder and big curvina, and certain times of the year big grouper, not too far out in front of Los Paradones. In the area you're talking about. There is a camp just north of Los Paradones, the panga fisherman use to load they're catch on trucks headed north. There are also big boats that fish the area and unload they're catch on pangas, that take the catch to the fish camp. Another good spot for me at times, coming from the baja side were the deep holes around the Roca Konsag, a small island between Penasco and San Felipe......44 miles from Penasco,22 from San Felipe The bigger Sierra are there in August, we used to catch them by the boat load. Trolling, with my brother in laws homemade from old car antenna lures. he was born in San Felipe and a fisherman on the Sea of Cortez his whole life.
Excuse my continued ignorance, but where/what is Los Paradones and Santa Clara? Tried Google to no avail.


AKA Carnac
Excuse my continued ignorance, but where/what is Los Paradones and Santa Clara? Tried Google to no avail.
The Gulf Of Santa Clara - El Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, Mexico Los Paradones, is a set of cliffs, with a nice beach to the south and also one to the north and is about 20 or 30 kilometers south of El Golfo. Maybe a 1 hour drive from penasco. It is Ejido Land, there are no signs and I havent been there since 2009. That year there was a big Humboldt squid stuck in a small tide pool, we scooped him up and turned him out to the ocean. i know how to get there, but i dont know how to tell you to get there. It is all 100% virgin beach. The beach to the south where the huge estuary ends is especially pretty and good for fish, if you use cut bait, you will also snag some nice blue crab.


The Gulf Of Santa Clara - El Golfo de Santa Clara, Sonora, Mexico Los Paradones, is a set of cliffs, with a nice beach to the south and also one to the north and is about 20 or 30 kilometers south of El Golfo. Maybe a 1 hour drive from penasco. It is Ejido Land, there are no signs and I havent been there since 2009. That year there was a big Humboldt squid stuck in a small tide pool, we scooped him up and turned him out to the ocean. i know how to get there, but i dont know how to tell you to get there. It is all 100% virgin beach. The beach to the south where the huge estuary ends is especially pretty and good for fish, if you use cut bait, you will also snag some nice blue crab.
Excellent! When we leave RP, we are headed up the coast highway so this spot is perfect.


AKA Carnac
When you are passing thru El Golfo, you might ask about other spots for your next trip down, the Yuma fisherman, are catching lots of nice fish.


AKA Carnac
Fishing in town

Sometimes you don't have to travel far at all, when the corvina, are in town. I watched Rudy Guzman. off the the dock, where he had his boat Lee Lee, and off the dock at the Safe Marina, when he was a partner in the Marina catch lots of them. One night, I was on the dock of the Fonatur Marina, with Tom M. and H2Joe (I sold him and Rhonda they're first water truck ) from Encanto catch a few fish, including a nice flounder. Also where the Mirador trailer park,( LJ's old house) used to be. its a big empty lot now, my cousin used to dive there and talked about the big schools of fish that pass. I have also fished there, there are, puffers, parrot fish, triggers and cabrilla in the rocks. The beach there is nothing but big boulders, but there is an old boat ramp, you can walk down and fish from there. The hill, next to the Reef Trailer Park is probably a good one also, I have'nt, fished from shore there, but I have seen fisherman there and anchored close to the rocky shoreline and caught, pinta,sierra, corvina, triggers,cabrilla,puffer's and a few small grouper, A friend of mine (Boat Builder, Shrimper and fisherman) told me years ago, the biggest fish he ever caught, in Penasco was out in that area it was a 400 pound Totuava.


Angler; good job on the Map. Some other good ads are the oyster place and Pelican Point. Can you add pictures?
I think the only way to add a picture is to select an image hosted on another web site as a placemark. You are limited to 64x64 pixels, so any detail will likely be lost.

I'm no Google map expert however.

Accidental Catch off long lines I take it.
If it was accidental, they accidentally caught a bunch of them as you can see in the tote and on the floor.......


AKA Carnac
552019_375002752568917_1271168150_n.jpg Here is another, like your totuava picture. This was confiscated in Obregon, not to long ago. Enough to make me sick, poor animals.
I was panga fishing in San Felipe a few years back and there was a buddy boat that caught a Totoaba about 2 miles off shore. I told our fishing guide i thought it was illegal to keep Totoaba in Mexico. His response: "eh you can take 1 or 2".


I was panga fishing in San Felipe a few years back and there was a buddy boat that caught a Totoaba about 2 miles off shore. I told our fishing guide i thought it was illegal to keep Totoaba in Mexico. His response: "eh you can take 1 or 2".
I have been offered Totoaba many times down at the fish market on the Melecon. They are pretty regularly caught in the nets. Not as big as that one in the pics. Usually, the "seller" will offer a few filets and then freeze the rest for his own eating later.