Dr. Sidhartha Hindu? Anybody Heard of Him/Her?

Roberto....I thought the stem cell guy left town....my daughter knew someone who used to work for him.....he had both offices.....on Fremont and in that Emergency clinic building....but that was about 2-3 years ago.

I was very skeptical also, although there is a place for stem cell research/treatment...most of that stuff is plied on people who are desperate, with little hope from conventional medicine for survival....
Good for you but it is one of the reasons the uninsured get raped. They make the discount up on the uninsured or underinsured. It all goes to Corp profits and others are paying for it. Totally unfair IMHO.
Yep....it is an eye opener about the billed versus "allowed" charges for those with insurance, which can negotitate with the hospitals/doctors

oh..oh...I think this will become a "train wreck" soon on the discussion of medical insurance......:aagh::aagh:

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
2a - Even people who can afford insurance can't get it to do pre-existing conditions. (It's truly mind-boggling the minor conditions that insurance companies will use to deny coverage!)

They CAN NOT deny you for pre-existing conditions now.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
Roberto....I thought the stem cell guy left town....my daughter knew someone who used to work for him.....he had both offices.....on Fremont and in that Emergency clinic building....but that was about 2-3 years ago.

I was very skeptical also, although there is a place for stem cell research/treatment...most of that stuff is plied on people who are desperate, with little hope from conventional medicine for survival....

There is no place for stem cell treatment yet, anywhere! Stem cell research yes, but thats not going to be happening in Rocky Point. Research is done by private firms and Universities, not some clinic in Rocky Point. The fact is, we do know that stem cell therapy can and will regenerate whatever it is that it is being applied to, however logistically there isnt a way yet to figure out how to get the stem cells into where they need to go. Spinal Cord Injury; you cant just take a needle with stem cells in it and inject it straight into the spinal cord, just doesnt happen like that. If you research the guy or clinic in RP doing the stem cell therapy you will find that these people were being swindled for their money because unfortunately like Rocky says they are desperate. I would think that with Medical Tourism you're going to see that there is more of an inherited risk of these kinds of situations. Obviously in the US we have regulation and malpractice that protects people from these kinds of situations. I remember when I was at St Joes and my dr said now Joseph even if you had all the money in the world, dont think you're going to run to China or other mentioned countries to get fixed, and then he reiterated what I mentioned above.


I was interested in the facials and cosmetic stuff more so than any other treatments. I was wondering how the prices compared to Phoenix and if this particular doctor had good reviews.


They CAN NOT deny you for pre-existing conditions now.
That's now true for children. Doesn't apply to adults until 2014. Also, I am referring to getting a policy. If you have a policy, they can't use pre-existing condition to deny a claim or to drop you. The only way they can drop you now is fraud.

The Man

My wife had Chelation done there at that
clinic....So to make a short story long, while we were in Yuma last Nov my wife was not feeling well!
Took her to the VA clinic there, checked her, did an EKG and called the paddy wagon to take her to the Yuma Medical Center hospital.
They ran all sorts of heart tests, said she had bad almost clogged artery to or in her heart.
They wanted to put a stent in right away, like now! But she wanted no part of the stent, checked out.
I had a cow, so I grabbed her, took her to the VA hospital in Tuscon, to get second option. They did all the tests, said she was in a critical state a can get a heart attack anytime and die, just like what the Yuma
Hospital said.

Still did not want a stent put in! So, she just wanted to think about it, and go to our place at RP.
So off to RP we went. I was very uneasy about her decision.

I knew about Chelation, had it done myself about 10 years back. Its where you get edta in a drip in your artery usually a one to 2 1/2 hour treatment.

So was next door getting my Mex visa and then decided to check out the clinic.

Noticed the health clinic did Clealation and H2O2 treatments. So went home, grabbed the wife and ran her over.

She said she would do the treatment there! She took about 12 or 13 there and went back to Yuma. Did about 4 more at
Alcadonie, Mex outside Yuma.

She told me she was better now! But I sent
to Arora, Col., where our dauther lives and
our US HMO Kaiser health insurer in.

They did full heart work up, with even the nuclear med department.

They came with the result that, she was out of danger, and reviewed the med records of the two Arizona hospitals.
The HMO there could not understand how it cleared in such a short time!

So we came back to RP, she did a few more treatments with "that Doctor" and now she does not need the stent or two in her arteries. In NW now in Portland, and Kaiser HMO is checking her out, still saids don't need a stent!

So back to the original post here about the doctor at that Aqua Clinic, he treated my wife to get her out of the medical emergency she had when she refused to get stents (why is another storg) and

yes I would recommend that doctor and clinic.

I also since then been getting twice a month treatments there since then!

But, the doc is sure hard trying to jab my
vains in my fat arm!

Hope this long story helps....

The Man

The Man

Wahoo ......

You really cannot put down Mexican hospitals saying treatment can be better in the US.

Sorry to hear about the person or friend who got septic in MEXICO and treatment there.

It can happen anywhere and even in the US.

Five years ago my wife had to get a small tumor on her female thing removed at
Kaiser HMO in Portland.

So instead of cutting her open, they did a lapo da da da and took her overy out.

The next day they said we can go south in
M/H to Yuma and Mex.

Arrived in LasVagus, and she was screaming in pain. So took her to a hospital there.

In emergency room right into intensive care unit, then they called in two infection disease doctors to try and save her life.

They had to poke and drain her kedney, put in a cat, and each arm had three bags of whatever going into her vains!

This was 11 at night! They came and told me that for sure if I did not take her in she would be dead by morning!

So, what this great US doctor and US hospital did to her, and it took six weeks of being in the intensive care area, to find out. Was to take out the wrong organ, cut the tube from her kidney to her bladder, cut in various places her intestine.

So, she was septic to no end! Everything was draining into her insides. It waz touch and go for a few weeks.

She is still suffering 5 years later! We should of had her lapo done in MEXICO.

The man

oh Kenny...Tonite had a few Marg's with my pain drugs...no prof nor spell checks on these two posts!


I was interested in the facials and cosmetic stuff more so than any other treatments. I was wondering how the prices compared to Phoenix and if this particular doctor had good reviews.
I have not used his services personally however I can say that I have seen many mexican ladies going to his office (Fremont Blvd Plaza Sol, brown building) for his services, and no Dr Sidhartha is not the same as Dr. Gonzalez the stem "sell" from Sandy Beach.

My understanding of Dr. Sidhartha is that he is partnered with some doctors from USA (Scottsdale) and Mexico (Mazatlan and DF?) and soon if not already they will be offering not only beauty pampering services, as he already does, but also plastic surgery and many other services that are part of the Medical Tourism that he is starting to promote in RP for the last few month, if you have a chance look around for the "Health and Beauty" magazine he started a few month ago
Was that the guy who used to have the office over near Bryans on Fremont, and also the one that is now the Emergency clinic by the Sonoran resorts?

I also saw someone post that the doctor operating that emergency clinic is really gouging in terms of costs!
The guy with the clinic on Sandy Beach with high prices is Dr. Jesus Gonzalez. Dr. Andres Sidartha Hindu is doctor specializing in cosmetic treatments and surgery. He's Mexican of east Indian descent and has been in Penasco for as long as I can recall. I've not had personal experience with him...but am toying with the idea of at least going in for a consultation and probable sales pitch. I'll let you know how it goes, Melissa.
Gonzalez was doing stem cell treatments. Also, Dr. Castro at Bella Sirena is now offering some kind of stem cell 'rejuvination' treatment. None of these has anything to do with Dr. Hindu, whom I intend to visit soon.


The guy with the clinic on Sandy Beach with high prices is Dr. Jesus Gonzalez. Dr. Andres Sidartha Hindu is doctor specializing in cosmetic treatments and surgery. He's Mexican of east Indian descent and has been in Penasco for as long as I can recall. I've not had personal experience with him...but am toying with the idea of at least going in for a consultation and probable sales pitch. I'll let you know how it goes, Melissa.
Rosy - I sent you a PM. Thx.


El Pirata
[h=2]Clinical Inaugurates based organic regeneration stem cell stimulation[/h]SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2012 13:23 RAMON CONTRERAS RAMOS, LUIS PAREDES ESPINOZA PUERTO PEÑASCO

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Dr. Oscar Castro and Hans Trousdell were pleased to finally reach the opening day of RCT, which first was a dream and then a big project, which makes it a priority to improve the quality of life of their patients.

He explained that the organic regeneration based stem cell stimulation is a process that takes 45 years to be carried out, being the precursors countries like Germany and Switzerland, but they have a history of that in the middle ages, the Romans, This process took place when blood transfusions.
Dr. Alejandro Lopez Caballero, deputy health secretary said that the state of Sonora is proud to establish and start with something that has been a project of the Governor from the start of his term that is tourism health and added that it is much what has been achieved and done for health tourism "It is true that many countries have gone before us in these activities but in Mexico and turns to see that it is very important to go into this path of health tourism We have great doctors, technology and knowledge we have in Mexico, but still have something that is much more important to our patients, we have attitude and a big heart that allow give these people looking from afar come to the state of Sonora and alternatives found here cure for their ills that afflict them. " Said.
For his part, Mayor Alejandro Zepeda said feeling very happy about the opening of the health clinic and has been a linchpin throughout his administration and that is definitely an attraction that gives a bonus to Puerto Peñasco.
Dr. Castro added that what is being done is not an experiment, but it is a reality that is compared to patients already attend and India coming from South Africa, Chile England and several states of the Mexican Republic.
During the opening, heard testimony from patients who have been treated at the clinic and has improved their quality of life: Gabriel de Tucson, Brais of Houston, among others.
On behalf of Governor Guillermo Padres Elias attended by Dr. Gustavo Lopez Caballero assistant secretary of health in the state, the mayor of Puerto Peñasco, Alejandro Zepeda Munro International Airport administrator Sea of ​​Cortez; Alonso Dominguez Ruiz, the mayor-elect by Puerto Penasco, Prof. Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta, the town clerk; Fausto Soto Lizarraga and general coordinator of public works supervision of the state government, Ulises Perez Muñoz, among others.


Yes there is a lot of snake oil, always has been I just hope it does not damage the development of this treatment. I have a true story to tell here. Two dear friends here had the terrible misfortune of a very early birth of their son. She was rushed to Hermosillo for the delivery and the baby boy resided there for a long time. He had all the issues typical with such an early birth but he continued to develop but with severe problems with the eyes. One eye was OK, the other required lots of attention. Through some connections with friends they got a referral to a children's hospital in San Antonio, then through that route to a childrens hospital in California , I think Scripts Institute) where he has been getting an experimental stem cell treatment. He's about 2 now and the last I saw him his eye was not bulging from the pressure and did not wander a lot and the medicos reposted that he actually had some vision in the eye now and he is off all the medications !!! The stem cell treatments continue, but to reiterate, this is a well know University Hospital with the experts at hand and is clearly defined as an experimental treatment with all the safeguards as required by law, it's no snake oil deal.


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Can't wait for low cost breast augmentation surgery in Penasco. I am looking for a receptionist job! Tired of being an attorney and suing everyone.

The Man

Something weird here this time and it's not me!

I used the Acqua Health Spa run by
Dr. Sidhartha at Rocky Point a few times.

But, at the beginning of July waz in Arora, Colorado to visit the grand brats.

We went to a mall there at Arora, off of Arapahoe and Parker ave.

Went into a Subway there for lunch, started to then walk back to my car, and spotted a health spa there called
Acqua Nutritional and Spa.

Outside looked like the RP one. Then went inside to check it out........

The decor, sale items, clerks attire and everything, looked the same as the one in Rocky Point.

Talked to the gals there, place is not a franchise, and they said they have no idear why a place called Acqua Nutrition and Spa, would be named or look like them, be there in Rocky Point!

Just wondering? ?????



Well Man, very simple the office in Aurora does not have its name internationally registered/trademarked and if they do it is a matter of time for someone from that office to look into it and have the office in Penasco change its name, just like what happen to D'Hooters (formerly known as Hooters, sounds familiar?) in ave. matamoros, specially now that you mention it to them.


Yeah nothing strange going on, The Man. I looked it up and there are actually 3 spas in Colorado named Aqua, but only one with a "c" in the name. Aurora, littleton and Steamboat Springs. Aqua means water in Italian, Agua means water in Spanish. It's a good name for a spa, that's all. By the way, are your drugs prescription or do you buy them in RP? Because it's obvious you are overusing something! LOL!