Violence Report goes National


Can anyone make sense of this statement?
“This was an isolated incident that took place far from the tourist areas," said Fernando Soto, Puerto Peñasco's director of international relations.



You don't see someone take out a bunch of people . . . unless one of two things is happening: a problem within the cartel or another cartel creeping into the territory," retired DEA agent Anthony Coulson told The Republic."
If I'm not mistaken it was law enforcement that took "out a bunch of people".


Hate to say I told you so. I just stated on another thread today that I felt this was the incident to drive a stake into the heart of Penasco.


Like someone else said here not too long ago. Until there is a shootout on Sandy Beach, I'm still going. I feel bad for the locals that have to suffer through this again and, unfortunately, I think this time it's going to be worse. The media has really been hyping this one.

What really bothers me is the hypocrisy of it all. Did we not just have 12 people killed and 58 wounded in Aurora? Last Friday there were 2 shootings in Phoenix and an armed gunman threatening a marching band practice in Prescott. These are all random acts of violence against innocent people. Why the demonization of Mexicans and Mexico when the violence is contained to all bad guys anyway?


This story is now a 'spin off' of Aurora and the shooting in AZ. Media loves to develop a 'theme' of stories, keeps up the energy level. OH also it's very important that you report the story at least 5 minutes before the competition, "You heard if FIRST here on KAKA 13. Death and destruction garners advertising dollars. Revolt, turn off the news, don't buy a news paper. You will hear all about it on Social Media.

This is only bad for the US visitors, who have been pretty much absent anyway for some time due to economic conditions. Mexicans are flocking to Penasco is bigger and bigger numbers.


Sonoran Goddess
Staff member
Mt friends went down today and are staying until Tuesday, (lucky dogs), so I'll e-mail them and have them watch the numbers.


Eating Newbie Gringo Taco
The morning the article hit, I got a call from a prospective renter of a vacation cabin I have near Prescott, AZ. The young woman said, "My girlfriends and I were going to Rocky Point next week, but everyone's getting killed down there now. Is your cabin available instead?" I'd have liked to have set her straight with facts that we unfortunately just don't yet have.

Oh, and I rented her the cabin...with a warning to keep low because lightning there is a bigger risk than violence in Penasco.
How come rp doesnt make a statement in az paper correcting that people were not shot up on sandy beach and there is not bodies everywhere. This is what people are hearing & thinking. They should also state how well the police/military acted etc. Maybe they have to wait until are the facts are together?

GV Jack

Snorin God
This is Mrs. GV Jack. I shot him and he deserved it. I was sick and tired of him hanging around this forum all day long so I whacked him.

Let that be a lesson to you whipper snappers.

Actually, Mrs GV heard the shots. This happened about 100 yards from our place, just across La Canada. She was up because she was getting ready to go
to the airport. When we left for the airport there were cops all over the place. It seems a guy was having a fight with his girl friend about 2:30 this morning. I wonder if
booze was involved? These are a string of small townhouses. She ran to a neighbor's place and he let her in. Her boyfriend then forced his way into the neighbors
and the girl ran out. He told her to get into his car and he started in beating her. The neighbor came out with a gun and shot the guy. He got out of the car and collapsed and died.

When I got back from the airport at 4:30 there were cops still all over and I had to talk my way into getting back into my area. I think after all this I need to move to Las Conchas.

Green Valley, are you kidding me. The interesting thing is the guy was 28, the girlfriend 23 and the neighbor 35. That must be the only non-age restricted area in GV.

Another time that had a better ending was about five years ago. An older gentleman who had a bit of a drinking problem was dating a waitress from the Cow Palace in Amado.
She had enough of his antics and she told him to buzz off. Here comes the interesting part. He gets pissed, gets in his golf cart and drives by her place and starts shooting at it.
By the time he gets home the cops are already there waiting for him. This made the national news in the catagory of Golf Cart Drive By Shootings. I know the lady it's the truth.

So Kenny, if you decide to come to Green Valley to chase those Silver Foxes, I suggest you wear body armor. This is one tough town.

I don't really mean to make fun of someone dying, but really...Green Valley. Just goes to show, you never know.