Violence Report goes National

Well, I THINK that I have scoured every thread concerning the recent incidents, and I'm still left with a question. Not that all of this stuff scares me away, but yesterday Fox 10 phoenix reported in their morning show
that there was also shooting at the beach with someone left dead? My wife told me about it and so I checked their reports on the fox 10 website and got the story about the main incident but it did not mention
any incidents at the beach. Was there even a shred of truth to that part?...I just don't know where they got it from, other than just making it up.


Well, I THINK that I have scoured every thread concerning the recent incidents, and I'm still left with a question. Not that all of this stuff scares me away, but yesterday Fox 10 phoenix reported in their morning show
that there was also shooting at the beach with someone left dead? My wife told me about it and so I checked their reports on the fox 10 website and got the story about the main incident but it did not mention
any incidents at the beach. Was there even a shred of truth to that part?...I just don't know where they got it from, other than just making it up.
They got it from the reverbrating circuits of the rumor mill, people searching madly for every little scrap of rumor to pass on, in inquiry form, which takes on a life of it's own as actual fact, because people do not pay attention, just grab the exciting details and call someone. And reporters tapping into wide open Forums gathering the cold dog turds laying around and passing careless comments made by forum members like "Valentines Day Masacre", along. If they have two sources it must be real, right. I guess that's making it up after a fashion.


El Pirata
They got it from the reverbrating circuits of the rumor mill, people searching madly for every little scrap of rumor to pass on, in inquiry form, which takes on a life of it's own as actual fact, because people do not pay attention, just grab the exciting details and call someone. And reporters tapping into wide open Forums gathering the cold dog turds laying around and passing careless comments made by forum members like "Valentines Day Masacre", along. If they have two sources it must be real, right. I guess that's making it up after a fashion.
Te oyes "Destrampado".
Well, I THINK that I have scoured every thread concerning the recent incidents, and I'm still left with a question. Not that all of this stuff scares me away, but yesterday Fox 10 phoenix reported in their morning show
that there was also shooting at the beach with someone left dead? My wife told me about it and so I checked their reports on the fox 10 website and got the story about the main incident but it did not mention
any incidents at the beach. Was there even a shred of truth to that part?...I just don't know where they got it from, other than just making it up.
Not a shred of truth to that part.


I am so tired of all these rumors flying around. I ask, like another on this forum, why hasn't anyone from Rocky Point gotten on the news to discuss what happened and dispense with some of these rumors.


I am so tired of all these rumors flying around. I ask, like another on this forum, why hasn't anyone from Rocky Point gotten on the news to discuss what happened and dispense with some of these rumors.
Why? Because it's been a long time since the news actually cared about the truth. Also, because the truth would make them look like the alarmist idiots that they are.


AKA Carnac
I am so tired of all these rumors flying around. I ask, like another on this forum, why hasn't anyone from Rocky Point gotten on the news to discuss what happened and dispense with some of these rumors.
Let me start over, the people that were assualted, were American's.......On vacation......Greek,,,,,,,Nothing to do with any illicit business here in RP........In your opinion True or False. Another poster on this site, has also laid it out in bits and pieces, you just have to read between the lines. From what I can see, everybody has bought into everything but the truth. Its a lot less complicated,than everybody is making it. Yes what happened on July 17 and July 19 are related, but not like it has been talked about on this site.
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I am so tired of all these rumors flying around. I ask, like another on this forum, why hasn't anyone from Rocky Point gotten on the news to discuss what happened and dispense with some of these rumors.
Kramer, several of us on this forum have tried to set the story straight, yet there are some of you who continue to think that the American media reports must be based on a kernel of truth. That's a misconception many of you think your media won't lie to you. Of course they will...they lie and manipulate your thoughts and sentiments on a daily basis. If you aren't hearing us when we tell you what did or didn't happen in Rocky Point, then I have to believe you're waiting for someone to say what you expect them to say. Just ask yourself, if there were more to the story, wouldn't the Consulate warning have been more strongly worded?



Here is the problem. I like many readers on this forum like to visit RP 4-5 times per year and always have a great time. I'm the type that is always defending RP to ignorant people who spread the BS about mass killings/rapes/cartel shootouts etc. You mention that a few people have laid out what actually happened spread out over a few posts on a few threads. Well I'm having a tough time sorting through all of this. Can somebody clearly explain what happened in a few paragraphs so I can explain to all the "I told you so" RP haters I'm hearing from? Thank you!


Yes I agree I am not sure what happened I also am having a hard time sorting it out. I also need it clearly explained so that I also can defend to others RP

Here is the problem. I like many readers on this forum like to visit RP 4-5 times per year and always have a great time. I'm the type that is always defending RP to ignorant people who spread the BS about mass killings/rapes/cartel shootouts etc. You mention that a few people have laid out what actually happened spread out over a few posts on a few threads. Well I'm having a tough time sorting through all of this. Can somebody clearly explain what happened in a few paragraphs so I can explain to all the "I told you so" RP haters I'm hearing from? Thank you!
Ben and Kramer, I previously posted a statement on Facebook and didn't think to post it here. You'll find it (slightly modified) below. Some people on this forum just love the blood and guts versions, the more exaggerated, the better. Others like to claim 'inside information' that only makes me laugh out loud. Hopefully this will help you deflect inquiries you're getting. Don't worry too much about the haters...those of us who've ever tried in vain to 'educate' an ex-spouse can tell you it's futile to educate anyone who has their mind made up. Like Russ says, it's time to just focus on the others.

As most people know, crimes against tourists in Rocky Point are extremely rare. Unfortunately, in recent months four separate incidents were reported to the U.S. Consulate, all seemingly committed by the same individuals.

As you can imagine, local authorities took the reports very seriously and investigated aggressively.

On July 19[SUP]th[/SUP], when State Investigative Police attempted to approach suspects in a vehicle matching a victim description, the police were fired upon. In the ensuing altercation and car chase, 5 criminals and, sadly, one law enforcement officer died. All of the criminals were from out of town.

There are indications that the above incident coincided with an already-ongoing confrontation within a criminal group that was in the process of exacting discipline to those who had veered from their commitment to keep this city safe.

Weeks have passed since then without incident. It’s clear to all that this put an end to a relatively small crime wave, the likes of which we can't have in this community. However, in light of recent news reports in the U.S. media about the incident, the U.S.State Department issued a travel warning for people coming to Puerto Penasco. This information is being shared with you so you can be informed and hopefully reassured that we care about your safety.

No doubt the criminal element will now think twice before targeting tourists. The message is clear...the type of activity that hurts tourism won't be tolerated here.

I remind you that thanks to the Rocky Point business community and A.M.P.I., free bilingual visitor assistance is available in Rocky Point. Call 602.773.1031 or 638.386.9081 for more information. If you live or work in Penasco, flyers are available for your offices with our contact information. Let me know if you'd like a poster (as soon as we get them).


AKA Carnac
Yes I agree I am not sure what happened I also am having a hard time sorting it out. I also need it clearly explained so that I also can defend to others RP
Let me get on the internet and find those free ambulance ride coupons, before we discuss any more.
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Rosy, Thanks for posting. Do not do faceBook.

Still why has the Police Chief or any other official made a statement and Q & A to "La prensa".
4 home invasions, a policeman dead and 5 other bodies and nothing official Press face time?

It is your "Prensa" and sources that has been publishing the blood and cartel story.
Your Local town press secretary/ police has to move "Before" the story not after.

Only 1% of the reading public in CNN, FOX will bother to investigate the truth, too much work and not worth their time. This story is irrelavent since it is not in their back yard, and PP is not in their vacation plans. It just goes to add in their mind why it is a good idea RP is not in their Vacation plans.

I want to know because I do have an interest in the prosperity and safety of all in PP.
This matter isn't an issue for our local police department. It has always been the STATE INVESTIGATIVE POLICE (PEI). When you're perusing the local blood and guts tabloids, take a moment to check out the legitmate state or national newspapers.

No one said there were 4 home invasions, by the way.

You love to use terms like "your town" and "your prensa". That says a bit about you, you know. I no more have an interest in what DeFrente publishes than you do in what the National Inquirer puts out.

You go on to insinuate that Americans as a whole care about what happens in their own back yards. I'm not so sure of this. I think they read or hear about so much mayem over on the wrong side of the tracks and they just tune it out because it doesn't affect them. The only reason they're more interested in what happens here, is because they use it to beat their same old anti-immigration or pro-gun or be-afraid-of-the-swarthier people drums.

Real slick the way you interject a small (actually miniscule) dose of "I care about Penasco and just want people to want to go there" into your posts. I'm still not buying it, Archie. We can't even swat flies in this forum, and you want us to worry about CNN?


4 home invasions, a policeman dead and 5 other bodies and nothing official Press face time?

There you go, 4 count em 4 Home Invasions ???!!?? Where did you get that bit of misinformation. Again passing on inaccurate and incomplete blather creating something that does not exist.

move "Before" the story not after.
Only Carnac can move 'before' the story and he's busy working on the Lotto right now. Ja ja ja ja . That was a good one, very funny move before the story, like make it up? Hey maybe that's where the 4 came from, is that a future prediction??
Bad stuff does happen unfortunantely. But as I was warned by my local friends, Don't mess with their business and they won't mess with yours.

As I have seen a few headline grabbing things happening in and around RP over the past 20+ years of going.

I remember in 1991ish when there was that horrific murder in Las Conchas by an investor's transsexual lover to kill his wife, Headline grabber,
but I went that month and had a great time.

In the mid 90's when they had the execution type slayings just north of the 2 bridges at the mini chapels where 2 guys were killed and 1 woman was spared.
I went down the next day with my amigos, the blood stains were still there in the road, I had a great time in spite of that. It was drug related..

A couple of years ago there was the shooting at Benito Juarez and the RR tracks, where 3 people where killed, 1 poor local who was in the line of fire,
and 2 people from Caborco, I went 3 days later and I had a great time. Again, Probably drug related.

Last year when there was the shooting at Calle 13, I was down that week had a awesome time, again probably drug related.

As one can surmise either I happen to go to Penasco only, when bad things happen or I just go to have a Great RP adventure in spite of stuff happening.
All of the recent news will not make me lock my doors more than I have in the past, or live in fear of bad things happening.

I choose to just enjoy RP for all the great things it has to offer as long as the Pacifico's are COLD!!!! Off My Soap Box!!
From your (ROSY'S) post
[As most people know, crimes against tourists in Rocky Point are extremely rare. Unfortunately, in recent months four separate incidents were reported to the U.S. Consulate, all seemingly committed by the same individuals.]

U.S. Consul General Chad Cummins revealed Tuesday that there have beenfour assaults, home invasions or robberies on Americans living in or visiting the town in about the last four months. The news contradicts the long-held belief about crime there - that while drug traffickers exist in Rocky Point, the town is safe for foreign tourists.

U.S. notifies expats in Rocky Point about violence - News from The Arizona Republic

Mexican officials remain mum
about what led to the July 19 gunfight and about whether they see it as an isolated event or a harbinger of further violence.

So as to not say this is from mexican "Inquire style " news feeds; FOX Latino ; MSNBC; Tucson Star and AZ republic.....

mmm; they use that "massacre word too;

"In the last year both Acapulco and Veracruz have seen bloody massacres occur on their streets and now with the popular Sonora beach resort of Puerto Peñasco is in the crosshairs, the United States is taking notice."

Read more: US Issues Warning for Mexican Resort After Shootings and Assault | Fox News Latino

So as to not say this is from right wing Fox; left wing pinkos also report the same; MSNBC

Consulate issues Rocky Point travel warning after several incidents - Local News - Tucson, AZ -

On July 19, a gun battle erupted between members of a transnational criminal organization

and UA students react;
UA students react to Americans assaulted in Rocky Point - Local News - Tucson, AZ -

" "The drinking age is lower which is convenient." but ""I definitely wouldn't go right now. Not until the country can take back from the cartel," said Michael Brutee."

US urges 'caution' on Rocky Point travel after Americans targeted

Yes; this story went national; has legs; Oh; Roberto I do not mean the story is a Lizard.
Your posts are quite tedious. What's your point? You ask for information, then when you get it you argue. You say you care about Rocky Point, but with friends like you, who needs enemies? You seem to be one of those guys who just wants to argue because he thinks he's better at it than he really is. I'm done with you.

And yes, local police take the initial reports, but serious crimes requiring investigation are turned over to the State. Now, I'm really done with you.
Hey guys...been away a few days.....and trying to read some of the NEW threads on what happened.....with bits of info and misinfo....and I know of at least 2 different stories on the whole affair, including the break-ins (or break-in...singular) and the relationship to the about Rosy, Roberto, lagrimas, PLAYA and whoever else lives down there putting together a little recap with the facts, just the facts..... That might help some of the people that don't come on here as often..... Sorry Rosy, but respondin that it is the responsibility of the State police to investigate doesn't help calm those who are leery of coming down.


Hey guys...been away a few days.....and trying to read some of the NEW threads on what happened.....with bits of info and misinfo....and I know of at least 2 different stories on the whole affair, including the break-ins (or break-in...singular) and the relationship to the about Rosy, Roberto, lagrimas, PLAYA and whoever else lives down there putting together a little recap with the facts, just the facts..... That might help some of the people that don't come on here as often..... Sorry Rosy, but respondin that it is the responsibility of the State police to investigate doesn't help calm those who are leery of coming down.
OK, here's the facts. We have chewed over this thing again and again. Recapping a recap of a recap will certainly keep the story alive but serve no other purpose. Consult Carnac he is the onely one that can recreate the past and report the activities of maybe 15 or 20 different people in maybe 5 or 6 different locations. Consult the great Carnac for future predictions which is what is of concern. I have heard that he will be installing a booth at the entry of town for the convenience of those of you who are concerned.