LJ, my grandparents had a ranch and small orchard in the middle of the huge Hughes Cattle Co. ranch in Sunflower, we used to go in on the road that goes to the Bushnell Tanks, they had all kinds of apples and peaches, that were watered with spring water there was also a whiskey still on the property and where the spring ran out of the mountain, there were blackberries everywhere. They changed the highway to Payson at Sunflower, but they built a new turnoff back to the ranch and they have a sign now, that say's Whiskey Springs. Man that was some rough country, my grandparents wouldn't let me go out alone on the horses, but I could ride the burro's or mules to the old store/bar in Sunflower. Thats also where I learned to hunt. The last time I was four wheeling around sunflower, we took the trail, that starts on the Bushnell Tank road and goes over a part of Mount Ord and winds up in Punkin Center. Makes me want to go out and blast a cottontail, skin him, and fry him in the old dutch oven over the campfire.