Tragedy in Bahia La Choya.


Lack of formal or informal education. I dont necessarily mean formal education like schooling however that is an issue too but rather informal education that one learns from lets say a parent figure. Growing up as a kid you learn things from people around you especially adults. I've never tried to go boating on a 12 foot boat with 19 people on board. Ive never been out to the lakes here in Phoenix or the oceans in Cali and Mexico with family and had 19 people on a boat, "prolly" because all of us were educated enough to understand that's not a good idea. Obviously I understand that certain boats have certain weight capacity limits. My kayak can hold 400 lbs but that wouldnt stop a Mexican family from putting 8 people on it! Maybe Im completely wrong in my assumption maybe it's just a CULTURAL DIFFERENCE...
You've seen it Joe... Have any of you tried to trailer a boat when all the locals are swimming on a hot weekend at the launch site at Cholla?


I think it's more of a group dynamic thing rather than the superior intelligence of Arizonans (Jesus...Jan Brewer is our Governor..and high school drop out rightwing crazy rich kid Jesse Kelly just easily beat the ex head of NATO Air arm ,Harvard Grad Martha McSally in the primary for Giffords seat. Martha McSally - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Martha is well, Awesome and Arizona voters???? they keep piling in the right wing boat to nowhere
Never miss a chance to push your agenda, eh Alinsky?


Never miss a chance to push your agenda, eh Alinsky?
Maybe closer than you think, except maybe the organizational skills..LOL...Saul Alinsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not at any time. I've never joined any organization—not even the ones I've organized myself. I prize my own independence too much. And philosophically, I could never accept any rigid dogma or ideology, whether it's Christianity or Marxism. One of the most important things in life is what Judge Learned Hand described as 'that ever-gnawing inner doubt as to whether you're right.' If you don't have that, if you think you've got an inside track to absolute truth, you become doctrinaire, humorless and intellectually constipated. The greatest crimes in history have been perpetrated by such religious and political and racial fanatics, from the persecutions of the Inquisition on down to Communist purges and Nazi genocide.[SUP][4][/SUP]


and jerry you're perfect right..?
Well except for this thing I'm in now (trying to keep these lovable Diamond Mountain cultists next door from hurting or killing more members) I mostly do things for my own self interest.As a byproduct much hiring and training then setting people up in there own gig took place over the last 25 years.That plan seems to work better in the long run. You seem to have some problem with me lately ...sorry if i have bummed you out,,,hell I think what you do is great and Kenny and i have a friend that might be helpful in your operation...write it up and we'll pitch it....
Well except for this thing I'm in now (trying to keep these lovable Diamond Mountain cultists next door from hurting or killing more members) I mostly do things for my own self interest.As a byproduct much hiring and training then setting people up in there own gig took place over the last 25 years.That plan seems to work better in the long run. You seem to have some problem with me lately ...sorry if i have bummed you out,,,hell I think what you do is great and Kenny and i have a friend that might be helpful in your operation...write it up and we'll pitch it....
No jerry I don't have a problem with you, it's just your attacks on people who don't follow your agenda is getting pretty old... like the old saying one bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch, but if one christian or catholic does something wrong we're all included in your reteric...

It's just like the press when they generalize crime in Mexico... It doesn't happen in Santo Tomas does it..? But Santo Tomas is in Mexico so shouldn't it be included... no I think not...

I'm not political, but my beliefs are more to the center and I disagree with a lot of what is said by people on the left but I don't flame them every time I post calling them names... I just think you could be a bit more civil on here, after all this is a forum about Rocky Point and not


Well people were saying this accident suggested Mexicans are dumb while i suggested it might instead be a result of being effected by the patriarchal pressure to act without questioning authority organized religion encourages in the flock.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Well people were saying this accident suggested Mexicans are dumb while i suggested it might instead be a result of being effected by the patriarchal pressure to act without questioning authority organized religion encourages in the flock.
No, you're just being a dick. Knock it off. Nobody said Mexicans were "dumb". It was implied that being under-educated contributes to people making stupid decisions. It's not just a Mexican trait. Famous last words from any number of redneck Americans (after "hold my beer") -- 'Hey, watch this!' Boom, dead, drowned, whatever. You need look no further than YouTube to see a plethora of idiots with no common sense.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
This comes back to the essential question of life, nature vs nurture? I feel as though a lot of behavior is learned. I would like to think that I act and think a certain way because I have learned to from people around me; parents and other adult figures. I tend to see this a lot in people with a lack of education, formal or informal. It's almost acceptable to be degenerate in front of your child, like it's normal. Im sure many of us have seen something where all we can do is SOH (shake our head), whether it's in Mexico or here in the States. There are things I see and all I can do is SMH. The sad thing is, when the child grows up he or she is going act and behave in this manner like it is normal and or acceptable. Most of the degenerate behavior we read about or see on the news stems from this very problem; lack of parenting, bad parenting and lack of education. I guess you can say it is a cultural difference. Culture - Cul-ture : a : the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thought, speech, action, and artifacts and depends upon the human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. So before someone goes apeshit on me and calls me racist Im talking about culture pertaining to an individual not a race. This can be white trash, Mexican, whoever...


Races of Mexico and the Mexican Genome "Generally speaking, the genome reseach confirmed what was already obvious about the mixed origins of the Mexican population. The project concluded that Mexicans are the product of the mixture of 35 ethnic groups.

[FONT=verdana, geneva, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Roughly speaking, the Mexican [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]population was calculated to be 65% indigenous, and 35% non-indigenous (European, African, Asian.)"
To yor point Joe remember people do dumb stuff out of halfassedness all the time...welding without proper protection,eating rich foods while suffering from gout,reaching under objects in snake country,riding Atv's or motor cycles when the conditions are not the best or take me I just moved a trailer full of hay without checking the lugnuts oops! and I defeat all comers at Jeopardy!...... my semidickish posting came from [FONT=verdana, geneva, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]dealing with a group of well educated religious people all from upper middle class backgrounds (some [/FONT][FONT=verdana, geneva, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]European[/FONT][FONT=verdana, geneva, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] etc.) they are under the spell of a leader that has them isolating themselves for 3 years out here in Bowie...this just caused one death and there have been two near suicides...I have been trying to get outside agencies to investigate and have been told privately they won't because "those folks up there aren't with the lord" that's where my comment came from,concern about people who are suffering from a religion they just can't quit on....[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, geneva, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]

GV Jack

Snorin God
"halfassedness, eating rich foods while suffering from gout", Halfassedness, (Goody Goody, Jerry invented a word) Unfortunately I resemble
that remark. I qualify, but I just got back from an eating tour of RP and right now I'm gout free. :sunny:

By the by Jerry, about your remarks re: Martha McSally. You are right, she is awesome. I had the pleasure of meeting her in March and she is
just as nice as she is smart and brave. You might have a problem with her though. She is a devout Christian. She speaks at Victory here in Tucson
and the worst of all things, she happens to support and is on the board of directors of Teen Challenge, Arizona. Other than those dmning qualities she is a wonderful lady.

We now uninterupt this program for more fascinating information.


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
...a religion they just can't quit on....
Well, that adds some context to your remark. People have been dying in the name of religion since Eve handed Adam the apple and he took a bite. Guayana - Jim "Drink the Koolaid" Jones, the comet-spaceship guys in San Diego (don't even remember the name of that cult), anybody named Jessop in Colorado City and, not even in the name of religion, but self-improvement, killing yourself in a Sedona sweat lodge. God has a funny way of gene-pool cleansing, doesn't he?

There is no way you would have convinced any of those I just mentioned (and likely your local cult) that their beliefs would kill them. Most are willing to die for those beliefs. Lemmings. One jumps, they all jump.


Stay Thirsty My Friends
This comes back to the essential question of life, nature vs nurture? I feel as though a lot of behavior is learned. I would like to think that I act and think a certain way because I have learned to from people around me; parents and other adult figures. I tend to see this a lot in people with a lack of education, formal or informal. It's almost acceptable to be degenerate in front of your child, like it's normal. Im sure many of us have seen something where all we can do is SOH (shake our head), whether it's in Mexico or here in the States. There are things I see and all I can do is SMH. The sad thing is, when the child grows up he or she is going act and behave in this manner like it is normal and or acceptable. Most of the degenerate behavior we read about or see on the news stems from this very problem; lack of parenting, bad parenting and lack of education. I guess you can say it is a cultural difference. Culture - Cul-ture : a: the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thought, speech, action, and artifacts and depends upon the human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. So before someone goes apeshit on me and calls me racist Im talking about culture pertaining to an individual not a race. This can be white trash, Mexican, whoever...

It seems you have reached the final fork in the road, my young Jedi. I think I was in my mid-20's when it hit me that everything from here on out would be nothing more than a result of how my personal philosophy interacted with the world around me...

From here, your choice in life will be whether to walk the path of those who respect the rights of other people to live as they choose, make their own decisions, and live with the consequences of those decisions (even if the consequences turn out to be horrible for themselves and/or others); or will you walk the path of the altruistic soul who strives to "save" everyone else from the consequences of their seemingly stupid (or more correctly, ill-timed, or immature) decisions and behaviors...?

In other words, Are you going to walk the path that I choose? or the one that Jerry chooses? I don't think either one is right or wrong, but I do think that one is more expensive (ie: requires a greater degree of personal emotional capital) than the other.

Jerry may be a commie pinko ratfink, but you have to have some degree of admiration for his drive and determination in wanting to prevent others from enduring the sorts of ugliness that I simply think of as the "yang" to the universal beauty's "ying".

Roberto's comment about Darwinism is spot-on (if a little harsh)... Survival of the fittest includes the successful passing of of common sensical reasoning and decision making skills from generation to generation.

I think you are absolutely right Joe- The behavior of self-conduct (and civility) are learned. If we are left only to our animal instincts then we end up behaving like animals.

It all boils down to personal choice- are we (as individuals) going to choose to follow our intinctual drive for instant gratification (damn the long term after-effects), or are we going to evaluate our decisions before hand and base our choices on reason and rationality...?

Is it so difficult to understand why some people think it would be ok for so many people to get into such a small boat, while other people fundamentally understand what a very bad idea it is...?

It has nothing to do with race, skin color, or ethnicity... it has to do with cognition.

What is the most famous line in all the Star Wars movies?

"I have a bad feeling about this".... That line is included somewhere in all 6 movies. It's not a coincidence.

Geez... I SO belong in the cave at the top of the mountain, with my long white beard and wearing my long flowing robes... Why am I wasting my time here with all you Hawaiian shirt wearing, Jimmie Buffet listening goons? :)


Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Geez... I SO belong in the cave at the top of the mountain, with my long white beard and wearing my long flowing robes... Why am I wasting my time here with all you Hawaiian shirt wearing, Jimmie Buffet listening goons? :)
Whatever, Swami Moore... :lobster:


An Open Letter from Geshe Michael | Diamond Mountain is the sex crazed Guru Roach (yep thats his name) blaming Ian's death on him rather than Roach's ex student sex slave who stabbed him in the chest 2 times then hid in a cave with him and watched him die...(in a spiritual way man)
GV...I met McSally at a "meet the hicks" stop...we hit it off....and I let the Teen Challenge guys wash my truck ...although that nightmare job might put them back on the pipe


Stay Thirsty My Friends
Are we talking victims or volunteers?
You are directing that question at me, right?

Again, this is all philosophy, but I personally only see two kinds of victims in this world:

1) Victims of their own recklessness (volunteers)
2) Victims of someone else's recklessness (innocent victims)

Examples of the first kind are easy - take sky-divers for instance. Every time you jump out of a perfectly good aircraft, there are only 2 plausible outcomes:

A) At least one of the parachutes will deploy successfully, and you will live to jump again
B) Neither chute will deploy successfully, and you're going to be dead when you hit the ground.

In this kind of scenario, I am all for letting people take their own risks and bet on their own chances. Like Jerry says above- we all have examples of activities where we take short cuts, or unnecessary risks in our day to day activities, and most times things work out ok, but sometimes they end up very badly...

The second kind of victim (like the little girl is this tragic story) is a heart breaker, because she was not able to make a decision regarding the impending risk to her personal well being; but I have to assume that one of the adults on that boat was her parent or guardian, and that person exercised poor judgement that left a baby dead. As painful as that may be for people to think about, the alternative can NOT be to deny people the right to make their own decisions regarding their children's safety.

It all comes down to trust, right? Our children trust us to safe-guard them, because they are not capable of safe-guarding themselves. Is this little girl dead because of a freak accident, or is she dead because an adult who might have known better than to load that many people in a small boat took a terrible risk and made a bad choice? Tough question.

As a parent myself, I can not tolerate anyone telling me how best to raise my kids; so likewise, I can not tolerate myself telling anyone else how best to raise theirs... that would make me a hypocrite.

I personally cringe every time I see young people in a car without seat belts, while their parent drives along showing callous disregard... but in this, I can only take the same action Joe does and shake my head (SMH).

GV Jack

Snorin God
An Open Letter from Geshe Michael | Diamond Mountain is the sex crazed Guru Roach (yep thats his name) blaming Ian's death on him rather than Roach's ex student sex slave who stabbed him in the chest 2 times then hid in a cave with him and watched him die...(in a spiritual way man)
GV...I met McSally at a "meet the hicks" stop...we hit it off....and I let the Teen Challenge guys wash my truck ...although that nightmare job might put them back on the pipe
I heard there was a huge fund drive after that. They needed an addition for more beds. If you and Martha hit it off, then both of you must be OK. Did you tell her you were a
commie, pinko, ratfink?