This comes back to the essential question of life, nature vs nurture? I feel as though a lot of behavior is learned. I would like to think that I act and think a certain way because I have learned to from people around me; parents and other adult figures. I tend to see this a lot in people with a lack of education, formal or informal. It's almost acceptable to be degenerate in front of your child, like it's normal. Im sure many of us have seen something where all we can do is SOH (shake our head), whether it's in Mexico or here in the States. There are things I see and all I can do is SMH. The sad thing is, when the child grows up he or she is going act and behave in this manner like it is normal and or acceptable. Most of the degenerate behavior we read about or see on the news stems from this very problem; lack of parenting, bad parenting and lack of education. I guess you can say it is a cultural difference. Culture - Cul-ture : a: the integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thought, speech, action, and artifacts and depends upon the human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations. So before someone goes apeshit on me and calls me racist Im talking about culture pertaining to an individual not a race. This can be white trash, Mexican, whoever...
It seems you have reached the final fork in the road, my young Jedi. I think I was in my mid-20's when it hit me that everything from here on out would be nothing more than a result of how my personal philosophy interacted with the world around me...
From here, your choice in life will be whether to walk the path of those who respect the rights of other people to live as they choose, make their own decisions, and live with the consequences of those decisions (even if the consequences turn out to be horrible for themselves and/or others); or will you walk the path of the altruistic soul who strives to "save" everyone else from the consequences of their seemingly stupid (or more correctly, ill-timed, or immature) decisions and behaviors...?
In other words, Are you going to walk the path that I choose? or the one that Jerry chooses? I don't think either one is right or wrong, but I do think that one is more expensive (ie: requires a greater degree of personal emotional capital) than the other.
Jerry may be a commie pinko ratfink, but you have to have some degree of admiration for his drive and determination in wanting to prevent others from enduring the sorts of ugliness that I simply think of as the "yang" to the universal beauty's "ying".
Roberto's comment about Darwinism is spot-on (if a little harsh)... Survival of the fittest includes the successful passing of of common sensical reasoning and decision making skills from generation to generation.
I think you are absolutely right Joe- The behavior of self-conduct (and civility) are learned. If we are left only to our animal instincts then we end up behaving like animals.
It all boils down to personal choice- are we (as individuals) going to choose to follow our intinctual drive for instant gratification (damn the long term after-effects), or are we going to evaluate our decisions before hand and base our choices on reason and rationality...?
Is it so difficult to understand why some people think it would be ok for so many people to get into such a small boat, while other people fundamentally understand what a very bad idea it is...?
It has nothing to do with race, skin color, or ethnicity... it has to do with cognition.
What is the most famous line in all the Star Wars movies?
"I have a bad feeling about this".... That line is included somewhere in all 6 movies. It's not a coincidence.
Geez... I SO belong in the cave at the top of the mountain, with my long white beard and wearing my long flowing robes... Why am I wasting my time here with all you Hawaiian shirt wearing, Jimmie Buffet listening goons?