Playa....this isn't the thread to answer you question...but I'll tell you anyway.
Happy acted like a mean old coot....bitter about something & everything.....his name calling, and making everybody and everything the butt of his least what he considered to be jokes. His rantings made so many threads go off topic, it was ridiculous. He provided little useful information or help to anyone who posted on here..... From several of his posts, he no longer came down to Penasco....and had no intention to return. I'm sure he's active on some other forum....making those people tear their hair out or cringe evertime they read his posts.
I never asked anyone to ban was just too easy to yank his chain so that he did it to himself. He was given several opportunities to "behave"....but he kept shooting himself in the foot (or head).
Yes...I've called you a name....from my recollection.....once.... I felt it was warranted at time, and I doubt I would change my mind today. If Stuart or Tyler wanted to put me in "Time out" for that, I would not have argued the point. How many times have you called several other forum members names? How many times have you been put in "Time out"?
Trust me Playa....I'm not going to lose any sleep knowing that you're not my "friend"! And believe me, any name I may have called you on this Forum, I would be willing to call you to your face.