

Sold - True. (but they're not from California) The new owners started running the business on Friday. They are very nice guys with previous bar experience. The place will be owner managed for a change. I have found out how important that is in the bar business. I think they will do well. Stop by and say Hi.

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
I apologize but that bar will never do well. Dirt road, no ocean view and off of Calle Trece, no thanks. Dont have one desire to even go in and take a look, its a complete WOT IMO.
OK...since Jim is no longer the owner....I'll make a comment too....

The parking situation there sucks big time.....that is when there are people there. I have a crease in my truck's back door from some idiot who pulled out of there and banged into mine when I parked across the street from the bar.....naturally, the driver came in and left their info....NOT!!!.........


If we are talking Rumors I heard it was someone who used to work at the Malecon at a certain 2 story bar and the plan is to make it a place for mostly Nationals to go and spend money (but that was just the rumor I heard)


El Pirata
OK...since Jim is no longer the owner....I'll make a comment too....

The parking situation there sucks big time.....that is when there are people there. I have a crease in my truck's back door from some idiot who pulled out of there and banged into mine when I parked across the street from the bar.....naturally, the driver came in and left their info....NOT!!!.........
I was driving by the camel toe and saw a guy back a boat called the tecate runner right into a truck door and just took off. Man I said poor bas#$#$.
If we are talking Rumors I heard it was someone who used to work at the Malecon at a certain 2 story bar and the plan is to make it a place for mostly Nationals to go and spend money (but that was just the rumor I heard)
2 story bar... bar/restaurant? More hints! And I'm assuming you meant Mexican-Nationals, eh? Not Gringo-Nationals...heheh


El Pirata're always the comedian!!!
Joe why did you and a few others ride happy so hard? You know he's banned for life now. Anyway when Joto Kenny and I were going at it you jumped in and called me a few names two. So you will always be on my un friend list.
Playa....this isn't the thread to answer you question...but I'll tell you anyway.

Happy acted like a mean old coot....bitter about something & everything.....his name calling, and making everybody and everything the butt of his least what he considered to be jokes. His rantings made so many threads go off topic, it was ridiculous. He provided little useful information or help to anyone who posted on here..... From several of his posts, he no longer came down to Penasco....and had no intention to return. I'm sure he's active on some other forum....making those people tear their hair out or cringe evertime they read his posts.

I never asked anyone to ban was just too easy to yank his chain so that he did it to himself. He was given several opportunities to "behave"....but he kept shooting himself in the foot (or head).

Yes...I've called you a name....from my recollection.....once.... I felt it was warranted at time, and I doubt I would change my mind today. If Stuart or Tyler wanted to put me in "Time out" for that, I would not have argued the point. How many times have you called several other forum members names? How many times have you been put in "Time out"?

Trust me Playa....I'm not going to lose any sleep knowing that you're not my "friend"! And believe me, any name I may have called you on this Forum, I would be willing to call you to your face.

dry heat

Pigeon coup coordinator
make it easy guys, come to my mma gym (the den in scottsdale). a good time all around in a controlled environment, plus you can show each other how tough each one is.
SO, anyway, who bought it? I know that plans have stalled on "The Joint," from the old owners at the Thirsty Parrot, which I figured would be up and running next to Flavios already. Is it someone who worked at a bar/restaurant that is still in existence on the Malecon?