About the beaches

QueenOK, 1% really not right.

Well the death rate of the CV-19 virus is 7.164%. 1,032,000 as in (Million) total cases with 73,932 deaths so far and counting.
1,032,000 X .07164% = 73,932
20-60K Flu deaths in the US per year, sad but it happens. But then you're count, is looking in the rear view mirror after it has passed.
(Maybe changing peoples hygiene habit's will reduce this greatly, next season) Hummmm?

These CV-19 numbers don't include the many who probably have or had it and people's deaths who weren't counted
because we didn't have tests available to determine if CV-19 was involved in-spite of being told we had plenty by the politicians.
Also we're in the beginning of this nightmare and until the testing gets rolled out massively, we just won't know.

In Italy, Spain and other places, if you died at home you weren't tested and not included in the official CV-19 count,

Look at the final numbers after CV-19, runs it's course and you could be be singing a different tune.
Hopefully much less than H1N1 (swine flu) which is said to have killed up to 575,000 world wide.
Who is it that said never let a crisis go to waist , this is so over blown by the media . At some point i think the cure will be worse than the virus .


You do realize the mortality rate of the Chinese virus is estimated to be less than 1% right? Your waiting to die hyperbole is irresponsible and is just fanning the hysteria and panic. People 60 and under without compromised immune systems have almost nothing to worry about. Much like the common flu that we deal with EVERY year. The common flu causes between 20,000 and 60,000 deaths in the US every year.
What I realize is that I work with a group of scientists and virologists among other disciplines. The estimated mortality rate of COVID-19 is about 10X the rate of our normal seasonal flu, best case (1% vs .01%) 1% is seen as the best case among experts. The most likely case is 1.7%.. We have no immunizations available so doing what we can to mitigate the spread by social distancing is simple and responsible. I realize you select your facts from the internet rather than first hand expertise with experts in the field, so obviously we should take your word for it when it comes to information surrounding the coronavirus.


Thanks for this information Kenny. The news in Arizona says more than 10,000. You have better info. God bless the USA, Mexico, and the world.
What I realize is that I work with a group of scientists and virologists among other disciplines. The estimated mortality rate of COVID-19 is about 10X the rate of our normal seasonal flu, best case (1% vs .01%) 1% is seen as the best case among experts. The most likely case is 1.7%.. We have no immunizations available so doing what we can to mitigate the spread by social distancing is simple and responsible. I realize you select your facts from the internet rather than first hand expertise with experts in the field, so obviously we should take your word for it when it comes to information surrounding the coronavirus.
Touche’. Thank you Rich for your medical experience to the forum that actually provides some insight to the current situation. Possibly the King of Queer will find somewhere else to spread his/her hate and bullshit propaganda. And by the way King of Queer, I double retract my TDS statement from a week or so ago.
QueenOK, 1% really not right.

Well the death rate of the CV-19 virus is 7.164%. 1,032,000 as in (Million) total cases with 73,932 deaths so far and counting.
1,032,000 X .07164% = 73,932
20-60K Flu deaths in the US per year, sad but it happens. But then you're count, is looking in the rear view mirror after it has passed.
(Maybe changing peoples hygiene habit's will reduce this greatly, next season) Hummmm?

These CV-19 numbers don't include the many who probably have or had it and people's deaths who weren't counted
because we didn't have tests available to determine if CV-19 was involved in-spite of being told we had plenty by the politicians.
Also we're in the beginning of this nightmare and until the testing gets rolled out massively, we just won't know.

In Italy, Spain and other places, if you died at home you weren't tested and not included in the official CV-19 count,

Look at the final numbers after CV-19, runs it's course and you could be be singing a different tune.
Hopefully much less than H1N1 (swine flu) which is said to have killed up to 575,000 world wide.
Again, you CANNOT give an accurate mortality rate without testing everyone. So many people have it, had it or had very mild symptoms and never were tested. That is a fact. Without accurate data on how many people had/have the Chinese virus, you cannot spew 7.1% mortality as accurate. It is wrong and you know it. Medical professionals also seem to be blaming various deaths on the Chinese virus. Old guy has a heart attack, oop he tested positive for the Chinese virus. Rack up another. You will be singing a different tune when/if accurate data ever becomes available. Right now you are regurgitating out meaningless numbers to further panic and hysteria. You should be ashamed.
Touche’. Thank you Rich for your medical experience to the forum that actually provides some insight to the current situation. Possibly the King of Queer will find somewhere else to spread his/her hate and bullshit propaganda. And by the way King of Queer, I double retract my TDS statement from a week or so ago.
You know you are winning the debate when the other guy resorts to childish name calling. Good on ya!
Again, you CANNOT give an accurate mortality rate without testing everyone. So many people have it, had it or had very mild symptoms and never were tested. That is a fact. Without accurate data on how many people had/have the Chinese virus, you cannot spew 7.1% mortality as accurate. It is wrong and you know it. Medical professionals also seem to be blaming various deaths on the Chinese virus. Old guy has a heart attack, oop he tested positive for the Chinese virus. Rack up another. You will be singing a different tune when/if accurate data ever becomes available. Right now you are regurgitating out meaningless numbers to further panic and hysteria. You should be ashamed.
I just corrected the inaccurate numbers you touted with what's being reported at the John Hopkin's website and other sites.
The US CV-19 update team uses them everyday.
You can't test everyone if you don't have test kit's available, the leaders at CDC and in DC screwed that one up,

So, I am doubting your info on "Old guy has a heart attack, oop he tested positive for the CV-19"
pretty hard to do if we don't have millions of Test kit's available to test dead people. Maybe someday soon.

So there's a fair chance the US is under reporting CV-19 cases and deaths as well.

All of this really doesn't matter because all we can really do is limit the CV-19 spread by:

1. Staying at home for the next 3-4 weeks, limiting exposure to others and maintain a safe distance.
2. Have medical services available to care for those who get sick.
3. Help your neighbors who may need assistance, while trying to keep yourself safe, masks/gloves.
4. Wash and practice good hygiene.
5. Let the CV-19 run it's course until a treatment becomes available.
6. People with strong immune systems will deal with this better, those with weak systems will suffer.

Ashamed? What would I be ashamed for? I prefer the real facts on what we're dealing with and I'm sure

other's on this forum do as well.
I'm not afraid and neither should you, in the end everything will work out fine.
It always does.
Off my soapbox.


Again, you CANNOT give an accurate mortality rate without testing everyone. So many people have it, had it or had very mild symptoms and never were tested. That is a fact. Without accurate data on how many people had/have the Chinese virus, you cannot spew 7.1% mortality as accurate. It is wrong and you know it. Medical professionals also seem to be blaming various deaths on the Chinese virus. Old guy has a heart attack, oop he tested positive for the Chinese virus. Rack up another. You will be singing a different tune when/if accurate data ever becomes available. Right now you are regurgitating out meaningless numbers to further panic and hysteria. You should be ashamed.
If modern medical science operated by your rules we would not have antibiotics, vaccinations, many different successful treatments for diseases. You can start your own list but think of Polio. Accurate data by your description will NEVER be available. Everyone dies when the heart stops and there is no oxygen to the brain so brain cells die. when the EEG is flat and the heart no longer beats you are by definition dead. There is the only accurate data we will even have,100% dead. so why are we wasting all the time and money on medical research and treatments?


It's one thing to have a full-time troll, like Steve here. It's quite another thing when they don't have the brain God gave a goose.


The basic reproductive rate (R0) of the seasonal flu averages around 1.5. COVID-19 is estimated to be closer to 2, possibly higher. If you don't think this makes a big difference, then you're wrong. Second, the R0 number is applicable for a population where everyone is susceptible. While the flu is already ingrained among us, there are vaccines, treatments and those with immunity. (Refer to richwi's comment for additional info on this)

If you want to compare it to something, compare it to the 1918 flu where governments censored reporting to protect morale during WWI. I agree that the media embellishes, they do with everything. But like joester says, science doesn't care what you think.
It's one thing to have a full-time troll, like Steve here. It's quite another thing when they don't have the brain God gave a goose.
Originally the estimates for deaths in the U.S. 2 million then 1 million and then 500,000. U.S.today 11008 world wide 76,000 . The economic impact is going to way more devastating than the virus itself . Stop the hype .
Yup, every single model so far has been wrong.
Better to be over prepared than caught with our pants down.
As I've mentioned before, if our health services get overrun we're all screwed. So let's not allow that to happen.

People will look at this and be able to point fingers where to put
the blame, in the future, now it's just too politically charged to make a sane assessment.