QueenOK, 1% really not right.
Well the death rate of the CV-19 virus is 7.164%. 1,032,000 as in (Million) total cases with 73,932 deaths so far and counting.
1,032,000 X .07164% = 73,932
20-60K Flu deaths in the US per year, sad but it happens. But then you're count, is looking in the rear view mirror after it has passed.
(Maybe changing peoples hygiene habit's will reduce this greatly, next season) Hummmm?
These CV-19 numbers don't include the many who probably have or had it and people's deaths who weren't counted
because we didn't have tests available to determine if CV-19 was involved in-spite of being told we had plenty by the politicians.
Also we're in the beginning of this nightmare and until the testing gets rolled out massively, we just won't know.
In Italy, Spain and other places, if you died at home you weren't tested and not included in the official CV-19 count,
Look at the final numbers after CV-19, runs it's course and you could be be singing a different tune.
Hopefully much less than H1N1 (swine flu) which is said to have killed up to 575,000 world wide.