I hope everyone who has doubted the seriousness of the covid-19 virus, has had a chance to look and see what's happening. This is getting exponentially worse by the day. Each state has its own timetable for when this peaks, however you want to measure it - deaths, hospital beds needed, ICU beds - this is just beginning to accelerate. NYC may hits its peak in 2 weeks, Arizona is predicting April 27 is the day the most hospital beds will be needed. In Kentucky, it's May 16. Mexico has a President, who very recently was bragging about how everyone should go out, enjoy, hug your friends. Now, it appears even AMLO has begun to see this more clearly, but it's spreading everywhere. Take a look at this website, and look for yourself -
https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections. You can search by state if you like.
Please be safe, stay healthy, and stay away from each other.