Stupid driving on dirt road to Cholla Bay

Around noon this past Saturday we were driving into Cholla Bay. As we went around the big sweeping curve a Honda driven at excessive speed drifted around the curve in the opposite direction, its rear end well off the line of travel. I gave him the finger. 10 minutes later on the same curve with us now traveling back toward Wrecked at the Reef, a PT Cruiser traveling at greatly excessive speed was drifting the curve into Cholla when the rear end broke traction and spun out. The idiot kept the power on and tried to steer out of it. He came all the way across, hit the berm on my side, and again over corrected, heading now back to his side at high speed. He was within 10 car lengths at this point, so I gunned it to get past him. He climbed the entire berm on the other side and side swiped the chain link fence at high speed, leaving multiple parts, including his front grill. He ran from the scene into Cholla, dragging a fender. Minutes later as we were passing near where the ultralights operate at the road down to Wrecked and Mar Blue, another idiot was turning donuts in a rented razor or similar full of people in the middle of the intersection.

People need to remember that they really can get hurt and wreck their stuff on vacation in Mexico.


Lovin it in RP!
Yep...with my project houses in Cholla I drive out there alot. The chances of getting in a wreck are pretty high. I go early to avoid most everyone but in the afternoon on the way home sometimes 5 or 6 o'clock it is pretty risky. I am not sure what people are thinking if indeed they are thinking at all.


The main road through Las Conchas is similar. Most of it is straight and traversed at various high speeds, passing slower vehicles. There is one big double S curve at section 5 beginning that is a favorite for power slides. Most of the sliding vehicles are the detested RAZERs and like loud vehicles. they run in packs, I have counted up to 8 at a time, the 5 miles or so , all the way to the end at Tessoro then down to the beach. Rather than taking one of the myriad of trails paralleling the main road they like the high speeds they can get on the Boulevard. Yes they play on the beach there. It's become a big attraction for visitors and created a lot of stupid drivers. The beach there is part of the city of Penasco, which prohibits driving on the beach, but is unpatrolled by the city. HOA Security has no authority to do anything but call city police if needed.
The worst thing is the lights at night. Most of the RAZERS are equipped with three or more high intensity light bars and are absolutely blinding at night. They blind oncoming vehicles and are blinded if they turn the lights down until their eyes adjust . Most of them are here to party and party they do. A few days ago I came through the S curve at night and came upon three of the Bast@#ds parked with all lights blazing directly at me. I managed to stop and crawl by but it was close. They don't seem to play on the side roads, mainly the main road that is nice and wide and flat.

In reality the main streets of town are not much better on holidays.

I'm going to start lobbing rotten eggs at them as they drive by !! You can get three dozen at Sams cheap!!

Mexico Joe

Cholla Bay 4 Life
The main road through Las Conchas is similar. Most of it is straight and traversed at various high speeds, passing slower vehicles. There is one big double S curve at section 5 beginning that is a favorite for power slides. Most of the sliding vehicles are the detested RAZERs and like loud vehicles. they run in packs, I have counted up to 8 at a time, the 5 miles or so , all the way to the end at Tessoro then down to the beach. Rather than taking one of the myriad of trails paralleling the main road they like the high speeds they can get on the Boulevard. Yes they play on the beach there. It's become a big attraction for visitors and created a lot of stupid drivers. The beach there is part of the city of Penasco, which prohibits driving on the beach, but is unpatrolled by the city. HOA Security has no authority to do anything but call city police if needed.
The worst thing is the lights at night. Most of the RAZERS are equipped with three or more high intensity light bars and are absolutely blinding at night. They blind oncoming vehicles and are blinded if they turn the lights down until their eyes adjust . Most of them are here to party and party they do. A few days ago I came through the S curve at night and came upon three of the Bast@#ds parked with all lights blazing directly at me. I managed to stop and crawl by but it was close. They don't seem to play on the side roads, mainly the main road that is nice and wide and flat.

In reality the main streets of town are not much better on holidays.

I'm going to start lobbing rotten eggs at them as they drive by !! You can get three dozen at Sams cheap!!
Best part is that I actually got pulled over out by Cholla Bay one night at like 10pm for using my nice pencil beam LED's. It was dark and nobody was coming in my direction. I always turn them off for oncoming traffic as courtesy. Guy was parked where the Ultralights take off. Tells me I can't use those lights. Meanwhile, every single SXS has 3 of them and police lights and all kinds of BS, driving aggressively all over town.... Never once seen one pulled over.

Agree with OP, I actually got into a fight with my GF because I was letting her drive my truck and some A hole with no skills came flying around that corner where the hanger is for the Ultralights, broke traction on the back and then over corrected back towards us and my girlfriend barely moved over to the available 5 feet we had to the right.... Lol needless to say, I had to preach the good word. Naturally, that was an argument and subsequent fight for the next hour...

GV Jack

Snorin God
Best part is that I actually got pulled over out by Cholla Bay one night at like 10pm for using my nice pencil beam LED's. It was dark and nobody was coming in my direction. I always turn them off for oncoming traffic as courtesy. Guy was parked where the Ultralights take off. Tells me I can't use those lights. Meanwhile, every single SXS has 3 of them and police lights and all kinds of BS, driving aggressively all over town.... Never once seen one pulled over.

Agree with OP, I actually got into a fight with my GF because I was letting her drive my truck and some A hole with no skills came flying around that corner where the hanger is for the Ultralights, broke traction on the back and then over corrected back towards us and my girlfriend barely moved over to the available 5 feet we had to the right.... Lol needless to say, I had to preach the good word. Naturally, that was an argument and subsequent fight for the next hour...

Hey Joe, I bet it ended with one word.....FINE !!!