Around noon this past Saturday we were driving into Cholla Bay. As we went around the big sweeping curve a Honda driven at excessive speed drifted around the curve in the opposite direction, its rear end well off the line of travel. I gave him the finger. 10 minutes later on the same curve with us now traveling back toward Wrecked at the Reef, a PT Cruiser traveling at greatly excessive speed was drifting the curve into Cholla when the rear end broke traction and spun out. The idiot kept the power on and tried to steer out of it. He came all the way across, hit the berm on my side, and again over corrected, heading now back to his side at high speed. He was within 10 car lengths at this point, so I gunned it to get past him. He climbed the entire berm on the other side and side swiped the chain link fence at high speed, leaving multiple parts, including his front grill. He ran from the scene into Cholla, dragging a fender. Minutes later as we were passing near where the ultralights operate at the road down to Wrecked and Mar Blue, another idiot was turning donuts in a rented razor or similar full of people in the middle of the intersection.
People need to remember that they really can get hurt and wreck their stuff on vacation in Mexico.
People need to remember that they really can get hurt and wreck their stuff on vacation in Mexico.