TRUMP Threatens to close US Mexico Border


For those comparing these modern day invasions to previous Irish and Italian immigrant waves there are a few distinctions.

1) The people were brought in a controlled manner to a designated US location (Ellis Island) where papers and health were checked. Those found to be ill were quarantined, treated and in some cases returned to their home country,
Ellis Island did not open until 1900. The massive Irish and German Immigrant waves occurred well before that time. 1920 marks the beginning of Federal control over immigration. Only those in steerage, the lower decks. cheap seats, were inspected and detained for detailed inspection prior to being allowed into the country.. First and second class ticket holders had a only brief interview. The position of the US gov at the time was if they could afford first or second class they were OK. Prior to Ellis Island and Federal control of immigration, immigration was administered by the individual states and residency and citizenship generally required only a set term of physical presence in the country. There was no restriction on entry of Americans from other south of the US border.
Many went to Mexico and Canada and passed directly into the US.

2) none of them were burning the American flag on the way in,
Apparently you know, or believe, that this actually occurred with the group under discussion . Assuming it did , is it appropriate to hold the entire group responsible if one person does something? If you are standing next to someone are you guilty of whatever action they make.??

3) none were waving the flag of their home country as they tried to enter the US,
My neighbor flies an Italian flag every day because he is proud of his heritage. There are social clubs all over the US based on ethnicity. Do you see this as inappropriate?? Have you ever seen the St. Patricks Day parade in NYC? See 2 above.

4) all were proud of their new host country and strived to become American,
5) none isolated themselves in to their own areas and demanded their home language become the official US language,
You need to read about the early Irish and Italian ghettos that the many thousands of new immigrants created. You need to read about the brutal Irish and Italian gangs that were prevalent . There is a great movie 'The Gangs of New York' you might enjoy viewing. They remained clannish and protected each other from attitudes of residents who resented them and accused them of taking away jobs. How some of those ethnic gangs evolved into political parties and were responsible for massive government corruption.

There are a few Dozen more distinct differences between then And now but I’ll stop as I’m not intending to inflame anyone here but just clarify there is a huge difference.
If you have any dis-stink-tions based on actual facts other than opinions or fantasies pass them on. We need to know the truth.
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Aye carumba!!!
Staff member
Y'all need to eat a chill pill. Seriously.

I'm gonna throw this out there. If you let politics dictate your friendships in life, you should probably reconsider who you call a friend.

Not worth it. Seriously. Despite what any of you may think, I have always considered everyone in this forum a friend, regardless of their political views. The common bond for me has always been fishing and a loving both the good and bad that is Viva Mexico.

It's the ONLY reason I've devoted years to try and keep this place what it is.

Meh. Maybe I'm just stupid.


I appreciate your efforts for the forum. I hope you advise those below that violations will not be tolerated. They agreed as I recall. Let them play there. I do not care. Outright distortions of fact supporting political views are not good for this forum nor for the countries the US and Mexico.
Y'all need to eat a chill pill. Seriously.

I'm gonna throw this out there. If you let politics dictate your friendships in life, you should probably reconsider who you call a friend.

Not worth it. Seriously. Despite what any of you may think, I have always considered everyone in this forum a friend, regardless of their political views. The common bond for me has always been fishing and a loving both the good and bad that is Viva Mexico.

It's the ONLY reason I've devoted years to try and keep this place what it is.

Meh. Maybe I'm just stupid.
I would venture to say that the vast majority of folks agree and appreciate your efforts, Stuart (and Tyler). Only a few – who given rules and regs, and who sign on to those rules and regs -- then ignore the rules and regs. They interpret lack of response / argument to be acknowledgement of their self-made podium, when in reality they drive away those who are repulsed. Thank you for not caving and throwing the forum to the delinquents.
If we could create a filter from the brain to the mouth(or fingers), maybe we could separate and purify the sediments of hatred , hostility, derisiveness, antipathy, and resentment that are present in our country today.


2 salty dawgs
It could be a wonderful world if all this energy could be guided to help preserve Mother Earth.
Stop the hate, it does no good.
peace y'all.
Most new immigrant populations coming to the U.S. Have been vilified be they Irish, Italian, Polish...........the difference is in following the law or breaking the law and admittedly our immigration laws require a lot of work to clean them up. Remember that the U.S. , despite the negative image the libs will spin on this issue still accepts more immigrants from around the world than any other country. The U.S. is still in high demand from immigrants from everywhere in the world as a place to make a home (some of our local citizens should consider this thought). The biggest problem I see is partisan party politics whereby the government members of both of our loser parties vote what the party tells them to vote instead of voting for what is correct in their own conscience, just, and proper. A simple work permit system that requires background checks, taxes to be paid, clean living- no arrests, and is renewable every couple of years may be a good start as a path to citizenship. In Phoenix right now every single service provider and contractor is crying for help and cannot find anyone. Limited labor supply is a drag on the economy and is easily solvable with a work permit system that is easy and fast. My own personal stories of families that are all Americans with several kids but the father is illegal are heartbreaking.The immigration system currently is a vast morass of bureaucracy.


Sausage King!
I wonder how many watch makers, cobblers, A/C techs, auto mechanics and plumbers are contained within the horde moving thru Mexico right now?


Have not made a study of it but believe that asylum seekers can appear at any Port of entry to request asylum. At that point they are housed by the US Govt. while their case is being decided. Lukeville is a port of entry. Think any will appear there? Seems like a backwater crossing but entry and processing might be faster. Wonder where they would house them if some show up in Sonyta..
Have not made a study of it but believe that asylum seekers can appear at any Port of entry to request asylum. At that point they are housed by the US Govt. while their case is being decided. Lukeville is a port of entry. Think any will appear there? Seems like a backwater crossing but entry and processing might be faster. Wonder where they would house them if some show up in Sonyta..
I think the best spot to house them would be Honduras.


Bricklayers, farm workers, construction labors, concrete workers, masons, etc are all trades which we need and can't fill with our current labor force. Let them come with a work permit. Doctors, professionals, etc have a different road to immigration which is not through the illegal route.


El Pirata
You are sliding close to the edge there Shark.
Fallece estadounidense al caer de techo de una vivienda en fraccionamiento “Las Conchas”

Un hombre de origen estadounidense murió la noche de ayer jueves, 8 de noviembre, luego de caer del techo de un segundo piso de una vivienda ubicada en el fraccionamiento “Las Conchas”, de este puerto.

La fuerte caída le ocasionó al hoy occiso lesiones de gravedad, por lo que fue trasladado a una clínica de la localidad por elementos de Cruz Roja Mexicana.

Ya en la clínica fue declarado muerto, siendo diagnosticado con traumatismo cráneo encefálico policontundido, heridas que le causaron la muerte.
Have not made a study of it but believe that asylum seekers can appear at any Port of entry to request asylum. At that point they are housed by the US Govt. while their case is being decided. Lukeville is a port of entry. Think any will appear there? Seems like a backwater crossing but entry and processing might be faster. Wonder where they would house them if some show up in Sonyta..
Maybe bus them up to Ajo and have them stay in the 20-$200K trailers and 21-$600K houses that HSA built 5 years ago that nobody is living in.:thumbsup: